Monday, September 30, 2019
Sigmund Freud and Phobias
Are phobias caused by sexual needs, or Is there something else that causes people to have phobias? Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1 856, in Beriberi, Moravia (now the Czech Republic). Freud grew up a very confused child. His father married a woman 20 years younger than himself. His father had sons that were as old as his new bride. Freud thought his half-brothers were more compatible as a mate with his mother. Freud himself questioned If his new little sister was produced from his father or half- brother.HIS childhood confusion led him to Investigate his own thoughts and the Houghton of other people. (Gay, P.. 1988) Freud used psychoanalysis in patients, which allowed them to openly speak about their memories in a relaxed environment. Fraud's psychoanalyst approach is still used today. Summers (2006) states, â€Å"Freud found that as the patient grew closer to the traumatic material, repression increased, and the analyst's intervention was required. As each resistance was overcome, a new zone was reached In which the patient could associate freely. UT as that process approached painful material, the resistance intensified, and the analyst was needed to break through the new airier. †(p. 328) But Freud was not satisfied with just analyzing people's thoughts. He wanted to know what motivated the repression of feelings. Freud thought the three psychic structures: the [d, the ego, and the superego, could be used to describe the conflicting forces of personality. The old begins at birth and continues until the child Is 1 year old. The old Is entirely unconscious, and has no regard for rules of society.The ego Is the second stage of psychic structures. The child is beginning to see that needs cannot be met immediately. The third stage of psychic structure development is the superego. This stage takes over in early childhood as the child begins to learn the rules of society. The child also begins to be more like his or her parent. (Rather, 2008) Freud was very controversial In his time. He believed children's basic feelings were related to sexual feelings. He defined five stages of psychosocial development as oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital.The stages of psychosocial development translate into adulthood as well. If needs are not met, or overestimated during any of the stages, the child will have issues as an adult. Rather, 2008) The first stage of psychosocial development is the oral stage. This begins at birth. Freud argued that breastfeeding satisfied sexual need in an infant as well as nourished the child. By weaning the child early, he or she may have an oral fixation infant is able to begin to control bowel movements. Freud believed anal fixations translated into adulthood by being overly self-controlling or careless.The third stage is the phallic stage, which begins around the third year of life. During this stage children may have strong sexual attachments too parent. The latency stage begins after a child has had sexual attachment too parent for several years. During this stage the sexual feelings remain unconscious. The fifth and final stage is the genital stage, which takes over at puberty. It is at this time that young adults begin to find mates that resemble their father or mother. (Rather, 2008) Freud also thought that phobias originated from sexual urges.Freud used the case of â€Å"Little Hans,†a boy who was afraid of horses to explain how phobias are related to sexual urges. Little Hans was five years old, his father wrote to Freud to help explain why Hans was afraid of horses. Freud theorized that Hans had an Oedipus complex and was in love with his mother, and was a sexual rival of his father. Freud believed phobias do no occur when sexual development is normal. Fraud's explanation does not take into account that the young boy had witnessed a terrible accident between a bus and a horse weeks earlier.Freud suggested to Hans' parents to allow Hans to openly speak his feelings, which they did. When Hans' parents talked to him, they found out he was Jealous of his new baby sister getting more attention than he. Years later when Freud spoke with Hans, Hans could not member his phobia of horses. Although most mental health experts have now discarded Fraud's theory of phobias originating from sexual development, Freud did advance the study of mental illness by having patients openly discuss their phobias. Margarita, 2009) People unable to cope well with stress may develop an anxiety disorder. Margarita (2009) defines anxiety disorder as â€Å"an extreme and chronic reaction to an irrational fear, affecting a person's mood, thoughts, behavior, and activities. †(p. 19) The six types of anxiety disorder include social phobias, specific phobias, panic crosier, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Panic disorder symptoms include a sudden attack of terror including pounding heart, sweating, weakness, fai ntness, or dizziness.Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms consist of becoming obsessed with a certain fear, and creating strange rituals to overcome the fear. Post-traumatic stress disorder affects people who have suffered through a traumatic event. Many veterans suffer from this disorder. General anxiety disorder is marked by a constant worry for no reason. (Margarita, 2009) According to Margarita (2009) â€Å"Phobias are irrational and persistent fears that can be triggered by all manner of sources, including objects, situations, people, or activities. †(p. 8) The two general types of phobias are social and specific phobias.Social phobias are triggered by everyday social situations. Specific phobias include fears about heights, spiders, water, snakes, or elevators. About 15 million Americans experience social phobias, and 19 million suffer from specific phobias. Phobias may come from a frightening experience in childhood, chemical imbalances of the brain, r fears learned from ancestors. (Margarita, 2009) Many people may experience nervousness from different social situations, such as People with social phobias are crippled by their fear of social situations to the point that it interferes with their daily lives. Margarita, 2009) There are two types of social phobias: circumscribed social phobia and generalized social phobia. Margarita (2009) defines circumscribed social phobia as, â€Å"the fear of a specific situation. †(p. 22) Examples of circumscribed social phobia includes being uncomfortable eating in a restaurant or being unable to use public staterooms. People suffering from circumscribed social phobia are usually able to lead relatively normal lives. They simply avoid the situation that makes them uneasy. Individuals that have generalized social phobia are much more likely to have difficulty with life.Margarita (2009) states, â€Å"Generalized social phobia involves fear of all social situations, such as parties, school dances, or similar events. †(p. 23) Specific phobias are an intense, irrational fear of something specific, such as flying, elevators, or insects. Specific phobias usually do not dominate a person's life. There are four types of specific phobias, including: fear of insects and animals, fear of natural environments, fear of blood or injury and fear of dangerous situations. A 2001 poll revealed 51 percent of people with phobias are afraid of snakes.Other top ranking phobias include public speaking, heights, being in a small space, and spiders and insects. (Margarita, 2009) Of all the specific phobia suffers, 9 out of 10 are women. Parents may partially be to blame because they are more protective of daughters rather than sons. Boys are taught to be independent, whereas daughters are cautioned to stay close to home. Phobias often start in childhood and are carried into adult life. Another theory is that women are the more vulnerable sex, and are more likely to be the victim of sexual assau lt. Margarita, 2009) The physical reactions to phobias are numerous: Breathing increases to take in more oxygen; the heart beats faster; blood pressure rises; stomach vessels constrict to force blood elsewhere; arms and legs receive extra blood for energy; and perspiration increases to regulate body temperature. This reaction of the body prepares it to fight the stress or run away from it. This is known as the â€Å"flight or fight†action. (Margarita, 2009) What causes phobias? Phobias can be a result of trauma in early life. Scientists are also studying brain function in regards to phobias.The amygdaloidal are located in the center of the brain. Amygdaloidal control emotions. Scientists continue to research the amygdaloidal to see if they malfunction, causing the body to overreact to fears. Neurotransmitters enable messages to circulate through the brain, and scientists wonder if an imbalance of neurotransmitters could cause phobias. (Margarita, 2009) Phobias affect people in more ways than Just the anxiety felt. People suffering from phobias spend an average of $700 more per year on healthcare than other patients. People with phobias take 60 percent more sick days than other employees.People with phobias are not as likely to advance in their careers because the affect the phobia has on their Job performance. People with phobias earn on average 10 percent less, and have a 10 percent chance of not graduating college. Not only is employment and schooling disturbed, family life is as well. Sixteen percent of social phobia patients abuse alcohol, three times as many as the regular population. Recent of phobia suffers have attempted suicide at one point in their lives. This is the same rate as people suffering with depression. Margarita, 2009) Treatment options for phobias include psychiatric therapy or Joining a support group. Some people overcome phobias by learning how to relax. The first step to overcoming fears is to realize they are irrational. It ma y also help to think about things that are not fearful. Some psychologists recommend yoga or exercise to reduce anxiety. They also urge patients not to isolate themselves but rather keep in close contact with family and friends and discuss their fears with them. Others who suffer from phobias turn to cognitive-behavioral therapy.Cognitive-behavioral therapy gradually exposes the person to their fear. Cognitive-behavioral therapy was first used by New York psychotherapist Albert Ellis in 1953. Cognitive-behavioral therapy May take eight to twenty treatments, with homework assignments assigned between visits. During treatment patients are gradually exposed to their phobias and they work through the anxiety that is felt. The anxiety is greatly reduced and patients learn skills to work through any anxiety. Other suffering from phobias may cake antidepressants.These drugs help regulate the flow of neurotransmitters. Antidepressants have high success rates, but medication alone won't cure phobias. People affected by phobias may be treated by a professional for months or years before getting over their fears. (Margarita, 2009) Do most experts today feel the same as Freud that phobias originate from sexual dysfunction? Most experts agree that trauma or change in life environments are the causes of most phobias. Although some phobias are quite debilitating, treatment options do exist for people willing to work through their phobia.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Laws of Manu vs Code of Hammurabi Essay
The Laws of Manu and The Code of Hammurabi were both discovered documents of two different ancient civilizations. These documents basically told the people of the civilizations what is expected of them and what will happen if they don’t follow them. The Laws of Manu were the laws made for the people of India while the Code of Hammurabi were the laws made for the people of Babylon. Both the Laws of Manu and the Code of Hammurabi concentrated a majority on the aspects of marriage, family, and laws of the land. In my opinion, The Code of Hammurabi was harsher than The Laws of Manu. The Code of Hammurabi was for all the people no matter what class they were classified in, even though slaves and women were mostly treated like property in all places at this time. The Code of Hammurabi was also made more as what is morally right and to help maintain order in the civilizations; while the Laws of Manu were made more on the religious side and to promise the people eternal life if they followed these laws. The Code of Hammurabi gave more of an â€Å"if you don’t follow these rules you will just die†tone to it. The Code of Hammurabi was also straight forward and to the point, while the Laws of Manu gave more detail. In the Laws of Manu they get in more depth of every aspect of people’s lives. In chapter two, number 57, it states, â€Å"excessive eating is prejudicial to health, to fame, and to bliss in heaven; it prevents the acquisition of spiritual merit, and is odious among men; one ought, for the reasons, to avoid carefully. †That’s telling people how much they should eat. The laws of Manu are basically telling people how to live their lives in every aspect and if you don’t you won’t have eternal life. The laws also have different rules based on what caste the people are categorized into; the higher the caste, the more privileges. In Chapter five, number 32 it states, â€Å"A Brahmana, having got rid of his body by one of those modes practiced the great sages is exalted in the world of Brahinan, free from sorrow and fear. †The laws promises if you obey these laws you will never feel any pain and just happiness. It also put all Brahmanas on a high pedestal and a lot of the laws do not apply to them. In Chapter 10, number 103, â€Å"By teaching, by sacrificing for, and by accepting gifts from despicable (men) Brahmanas (in distress) commit not sin, for they (are as pure) as fire and water. The Laws of Manu has more religious purpose behind it than, the Code of Hammurabi. The Code of Hammurabi was made more to put order in the Babylonian civilization and it also is more straight forward. Even though it has religious reasons and was made by a very religious man, it was still mostly made to keep order in the civilization. The Code of Hammurabi even addresses how much things can be bought and sold for. Number 239, â€Å"If a man hire a salor, he shall pay him six gur of corn per year†, another example is number 243, â€Å"As rent of heard cattle he shall pay three gur of corn to the owner. The Code of Hammurabi also has more of a revenge seeking tone to it. Just in number one is the perfect example for people to get revenge. â€Å"If any one enshare another, putting a ban upon him, but he cannot prove it, then he that ensured him shall be put to death. †Another example of revenge is number 218, â€Å"If an physician make a large incision with the operating knife, and cut out the eye, his hands shall be cut off. †This document for the most part was mostly a way to punish people or bring justice to the people. It also talks about going to court and having cases to justify situations, for example number five, â€Å"If a judge try a case, reach a decision, and present his judgment in writing; if later error shall appear in his decision, and it be through his own fault, then he shall pay twelve times the fine set by him in the case, and he shall be publicly removed from the judge’s bench, and never again shall be publicly removed from the judge’s bench, and never again shall he sit there to render judgment. †This also goes to show that The Hammurabi Code punished anybody from doctors and lawyers, to women and slaves, your social class did not matter. Surprisingly to me, they both had women rights in there as well. The Laws of Manu gave more freedom to women but yet the Code of Hammurabi gave women more protection. In number 130, â€Å"If a man violates the wife of another man, who has never known a man, and still lives in her father’s house, and sleeps with her and be surprised, this man shall be put to death, but his wife is blameless. In the Laws of Manu, chapter eight, number 364 it states â€Å"He who violates an unwilling maiden shall instantly suffer corporal punishment; but a man who enjoys a willing maiden shall not suffer corporal punishment, if his caste be the same as hers. Not only does that show justice for women but gave women freedom to have casual sex and from the context clues of the Code of Hammurabi, it was frown upon and not classy. Women still didn’t live independent in both civilizations. Also, in both civilizations women were under control by a man from birth to death. Before marriage it is her father, during marriage it is her husband, and at old age it is her son(s). In the Laws of Manu, Chapter nine, number 14, â€Å"Women do not care for beauty, nor is their attention fixed on age; (thinking), ‘(It is enough that) he is a man,’ they give themselves to the handsome and to the ugly. You can also tell that both societies take marriage and respect serious. Unlike in this day and time, the wife gets nothing if divorce is approved. In the Code of Hammurabi number 141, â€Å"If a man’s wife, who lives in his house, wishes to leave it, plunges into debt, tries to ruin her house, neglects her husband, and is judicially convicted: if her husband offer her release, she may go on her way, and he gives her nothing as a gift of release. If her husband does not wish to release her, and if he takes another wife, she shall remain as a servant in her husband’s house. In the Laws of Manu it shows that the Indian society did not have age limits on marriage. In chapter nine, number 94, â€Å" A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner. †Both documents were made to control people and both wer e harsh compared to what we know and live today. They both inform us of how life was back then and how time changes. Some things are still used in today’s societies, like the how women should always remain classy. In the Laws of Manu it states in chapter nine, number 13, â€Å"Drinking (spirituous liquor), associating with wicked people, separation from the husband, rambling abroad, sleeping (at unseasonable hours), and dwelling in other men’s houses, are the six causes of the ruin of women. Also in the Code of Hammurabi, number 110, â€Å"If a sister of a god open a tavern, or enter a tavern to drink, then shall this woman be burned to death. †Even though they are from different places they still have the same concept and purposes.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How Technology Helps in Communication Essay
If we talk about what are the tools that we can use in developing communication, than I say that â€Å"technology is one of the tools that we can use for communication†. Worlds are globalizing, we cannot depend on only one medium. We are lucky to have science gift that is technology. Communicating involves giving, receiving and making sense of information. Children do this by using non-verbal means of communication, talking, listening, thinking, and understanding. In time, the skills of reading and writing enrich this experience. Communicating is a two-way activity; as well as learning to share their experiences with others children also learn to interpret what others are sharing with them. They communicate in many different ways including facial expressions, gestures, body movements, sounds, language and for some children, through assistive technology. Children’s language is more than words, phrases and sentences. It includes art, Braille, dance, drama, music, poetry, pictures, sculpture, signing, and stories. While most children eventually master spoken and written language as their key means of communicating, they continue to speak through their gestures, body movements and expressions to a greater or lesser extent. Some children with special educational needs may need additional and consistent support throughout their lifetime to practise, learn and perfect the art of non-verbal communication. Language technologies are information technologies that are specialized for dealing with the most complex information medium in our world: human language. Therefore these technologies are also often subsumed under the term Human Language Technology. Human language occurs in spoken and written form. Whereas speech is the oldest and most natural mode of language communication, complex information and most of human knowledge is maintained and transmitted in written texts. Speech and text technologies process or produce language in these two modes of realization. But language also has aspects that are shared between speech and text such as dictionaries, most of grammar and the meaning of sentences. Thus large parts of language technology cannot be subsumed under speech and text technologies. Among those are technologies that link language to knowledge. We do not know how language, knowledge and thought are represented in the human brain. Nevertheless, language technology had to create formal representation systems that link language to concepts and tasks in the real world. This provides the interface to the fast growing area of knowledge technologies. In our communication we mix language with other modes of communication and other information media. We combine speech with gesture and facial expressions. Digital texts are combined with pictures and sounds. Movies may contain language and spoken and written form. Thus speech and text technologies overlap and interact with many other technologies that facilitate processing of multimodal communication and multimedia documents. Although existing LT systems are far from achieving human ability, they have numerous possible applications. The goal is to create software products that have some knowledge of human language. Such products are going to change our lives. They are urgently needed for improving human-machine interaction since the main obstacle in the interaction between human and computer is merely a communication problem. Today’s computers do not understand our language but computer languages are difficult to learn and do not correspond to the structure of human thought. Even if the language the machine understands and its domain of discourse are very restricted, the use of human language can increase the acceptance of software and the productivity of its users. Language technologies helps in developing listening and speaking skills Being a good communicator is crucial to children’s development. The adult encourages children to communicate by listening to them, interpreting what they are saying, responding to them, and by modeling good communication. The adult also provides an environment which motivates children to interact with each other and the adult, and with the objects and places in it. By capturing children’s interest and curiosity and challenging them to explore and to share their adventures and discoveries with others, this environment can fuel their thinking, imagination and creativity, thereby enriching communication. These early experiences support children in becoming confident and competent communicators Natural language interfaces enable the user to communicate with the computer in French, English, German, or another human language. Some applications of such interfaces are database queries, information retrieval from texts, so-called expert systems, and robot control. Current advances in the recognition of spoken language improve the usability of many types of natural language systems. Communication with computers using spoken language will have a lasting impact upon the work environment; completely new areas of application for information technology will open up. However, spoken language needs to be combined with other modes of communication such as pointing with mouse or finger. If such multimodal communication is finally embedded in an effective general model of cooperation, we have succeeded in turning the machine into a partner. The ultimate goal of research is the omnipresent access to all kinds of technology and to the global information structure by natural interaction. In an ambitious but not too far-fetched scenario, language technology provides the interface to an ambient intelligence providing assistance at work and in many situations of daily life. Language technologies can also help people communicate with each other. Much older than communication problems between human beings and machines are those between people with different mother tongues. One of the original aims of language technology has always been fully automatic translation between human languages. From bitter experience scientists have realized that they are still far away from achieving the ambitious goal of translating unrestricted texts. Nevertheless, they have been able to create software systems that simplify the work of human translators and clearly improve their productivity. Less than perfect automatic translations can also be of great help to information seekers who have to search through large amounts of texts in foreign languages. The most serious bottleneck for e-commerce is the volume of communication between business and customers or among businesses. Language technology can help to sort, filter and route incoming email. It can also assist the customer relationship agent to look up information and to compose a response. In cases where questions have been answered before, language Technology can find appropriate earlier replies and automatically respond.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Memorandum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Memorandum - Essay Example I understand that our company is working out to reduce some of the expenses through the provision of the benefits to the workers. I am compelled to express concern that I am against several sensitive issues that you wish me in my position to enforce in reference to your memo. It will be deplorable to inform you that I am not going to implement your proposals. The basis as to why I am against the endorsement of your suggestions in my position as Wal-Mart Benefits Manager, South Florida is because of the action of this company will be considered as Altruism towards the workers. According to my profession, in this position I may look as being unethical. Despite my colleagues take to your memo, my decision of the firm. Ethical concept involves relating moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these. I would like to cite some of the universal moral concepts that should be always considered and should never be breached. There is Absolutism, Cognitive dissonance and Reciprocity among others. Absolutist systems do not offer any omission to particular ethical principles. The philosopher Emmanuel Kant affirmed that the moral act was one that the doer was willing to have an opinion on a standard policy. One rule of absolutism shows that human beings cannot be harmed for any objective, regardless of how otherwise worthwhile. Absolutism has the benefit of making rigid ethical calls appear easy and the disadvantage of making the debate impossible. One looks like the absolutism reflecting today in the controversies over war, torture, abortion, cloning, and capital punishment (Hardin, 1976). Cognitive dissonance is an ethical concept that should be put into consideration. It take place when there is a difference between what an individual believes, knows and values, and convincing information that calls these into question. The discrepancy may lead to psychological discomfort, as well as mind to adjust to reduce the disparity. In ethics, cognitive
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Report about the National Transportation Safety Board Essay
Report about the National Transportation Safety Board - Essay Example In cases of suspected criminal activity, certain other federal agencies might get involved in the investigation process. Meticulous reporting is done and recommendations are issued at the end of any investigation as it is the primary goal. NTSB also undertakes specialised research on transportation safety to create new knowledge to make effective recommendations. NTSB also engages in safety advocacy by issuing safety alerts for the public and transportation providers. For instance, recommended actions to â€Å"prevent aerodynamic stalls at low altitudes†(NTSB, n.d.) is for the pilots and technicians, while various alerts regarding highway safety addresses the public. These could be accessed on NTSB website and appear to be highly useful. Another key division of NTSB is its Transport Disaster Assistance (TDA) division that functions as a coordinator after any transport accident in order to provide various support services to the victims and their families. To name a few, TDA coordinates forensic services, counselling, translation and interaction with foreign governments. TDA acts as the coordinator between those who respond to an accident and those affected, that is the state and federal agencies or volunteer organisation and the respective transport carriers. It also helps in planning disaster assistance. Throughout the period of investigation, TDA serves as the information source for the
LAW 2112 EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
LAW 2112 EUROPEAN SINGLE MARKET - Essay Example This is citizenship in two countries. B) This will allow you to make your family members temporary citizens with you and you will be able to live abroad in the UA nation. 2) To become a citizen, the spouse automatically has their nationality. 3) Children may also take their parents nationality. 4) Extended family can become naturalized. In this process, Citizenship is up to the Home Secretary. They will make a decision about whether a person qualifies. The Secretary will make a decision as it sees fit. There are a number of official requirements for naturalization. The Secretary may wave some of the requirements under certain circumstances. The requirements are as follows: 1) Indefinite right to keep immigration status for a person who does not hold right to adobe in the UA. This person can be admitted to the UA without any time limit to stay. The right of adobe is Irish Citizenship. 2) Must be 18 years of age or older. 3) Must be of sound mind. 4) Must intend to continue to live in the UA or to have Crown service, or a company is established in the UA. 5) Must speak English, Welsh, or Gaelic reasonably well. 6) Must have an understanding of life in UA. 7) Must have good character. 8) Residential requirements must be met. Residential requirements are as follows: 1) Must have been a resident in the UA for at least 5 years (also know as the residential qualifying period), and 2) Must have been present in the UA prior to the date of application, and Must not have spent more than 450 days outside the UA during the 5 year period, and 3) Must not spend more than 90 days not in the UA during a 12 month period, and 4) Must not have breached the Immigration Rules at any time during the 5 years. 5) A child that is born in the UA, where the parents are non British citizens, the child does not receive British status. Spouses and civil partners must do as follows: 1) Must have been a resident in the UA for 3 years prior to the date of the application, and 2) Must have been present in the UA 3 years prior to the application date, and 3) Must not have spent more than 270 days outside of the UA in the past 12 months, of the 3 year period, and 4) In the last 12 months, cannot have spent more than 90 days outside of the UA, and 5) There has been no breach of the immigration rules, during a 3 year period. 6) Before July 1983, only a birth of a legitimate child (born to a married couple) was considered a citizen automatically from the father. At the time of the birth the child is able to have citizenship if the father is able to have indefinite leave or another settled status. The child had automatic British citizenship derived from the father, until July 2006. However, in the instance that the parents are not married at the time of the birth in the United Kingdom and then got married, then the marriage legitimates the child through the father. Although, if the father was a settled British citizen and considered settled in the United Kingdom when the child w as born, the child becomes a citizen starting from the time of the marriage. If a child is born to unmarried parents, the Home Office will usually register the child as a British citizen. . Q) What happens if a marriage breaks up, the spouse is the holder of the British citizenship and the employee is from a country that does not allow dual citizenship? Can the employee travel out of the UA and get back into the country frequently? A) 1)When a marriage or civil partnership permanently dissolves while the partner that retains
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Schools can Help Prevent Childhood Obesity Essay
Schools can Help Prevent Childhood Obesity - Essay Example School cafeterias are obliged to offer healthy food choices. This is the underlying principle of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), started in 1946. The federal school lunch and breakfast program caters to twenty-nine million school children daily and aims to provide nutritionally balanced meals at a cost of seven million a year to taxpayers (Fried and Simon, 1492). 99% of all public schools and 83% of private schools participate in the program which reimburses the cost of the breakfast and lunch and provides commodity supplies (Leviton, 43). The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides dietary guidelines and nutritional standards for schools in implementing the NSLP. Based on recommendations made by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, the NSLP aims to â€Å"enhance the diet and health of school children, and help mitigate the childhood obesity trend†(USDA web site). Schools are required to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole gra ins and low-fat milk and reduce the levels of sodium and saturated fats. The ‘Farm to School’ program attempts to bring fresh, locally produced food into school cafeterias and introduce children to farms, gardening, and cooking. In theory, all schools under the NSLP provide balanced nutritional meals. However, the reality is different: a 2009 study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that 94 percent of school lunches failed to meet the USDA’s regulatory standards regarding the sodium or total fat standards. Dana Woldow, a mother who is a volunteer in her children’s school nutrition committee, says, â€Å"In the school cafeteria you could buy soda, potato chips, snack cakes, corndogs, French fries, apple turnovers, ice cream --you know, carnival food†(Christensen). This is largely because frozen and processed foods are cheaper than fresh or organic produce and the NSLP is under-funded. Schools also procure pre-cooked food as they do not have kitchens. It is clear that there is much room for improvement in school cafeteria’s ability to provide a nutritious diet for all students. The healthy food offerings in school cafeterias are significantly off-set by the availability of ‘competitive food.’ This term refers to foods of little nutritional value which compete with the NSLP funded school breakfast and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Starbucks Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Starbucks Case Analysis - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is Starbucks coffee company that ventured into the market in 1971 because of three business people who had love for coffee and tea. They felt it was important for the people of Seattle, Washington to have access to their coffee. They organized themselves, and ten years later this company had four retail stores and a roasting plant selling genuine bean coffee within Seattle only. As time went by, this company expanded to other cities like Vancouver, Portland, and Chicago, and by 1991 Starbucks had more openings within airports. It had also expanded into the mail-order catalogue, then further to the state of California. Having grown this far, the company initiated distribution of successful products and brand extensions that included offering coffee to passengers on United Airlines flights. This boosted their potential that later witnessed them start offering people the option to purchase the company’s products at the comfort of their homes through Starbucks’ online services. Currently, Starbucks strategic position is to provide premier purveyor of the finest coffee around the world while at the same time maintaining its uncompromising principles as the company continues to grow. Its efforts generated by sound decision-making are helping the company attain the best quality of the products. Their main product, which is coffee, has always been of the best quality and above all made by employees who are passionate about coffee. They maintain ethical standards as they source for the finest coffee beans that are they then roast it with great care2. Regarding their market, this company has a great strategic position when dealing with their clients as they promise a perfectly made beverage that they deliver at a human connection level. Starbucks treats its stakeholders with respect and dignity hence creates a profitable place for each other. External Analysis Starbucks is facing challenges just like any other company. The most of all challenges that this company is battling now is the current financial crisis that is affecting America. Due to funds turmoil that the current state of economy is posing to companies, Starbucks has not only reduced its total expenditure, but also forced to close most of its stores. In 2008, the company announced that it was going to close six hundred stores in different parts of United States of America3. Financial based reasons like income tax, risks related to third party finalization agreements, and benefits associated with the closure of stores within the anticipated period as well as cost of saving expected led to this fatal draw to the company’s expansion plans. Additional challenges facing Starbucks comprise of dealing with competitors. Currently, there are numerous coffee shops within major cities across around the globe and are posing total threats to Starbucks, as they are all competing for the same customers. 2. Flamholtz, E. & Randle, Y. Corporate Culture: The Ultimate Strategic Asset, (California:Stanford University Press), 20. 3. Thompson, J., et. al., Strategic Management 6th. (California:Cengage Learning EMEA, 2010), 382. Some of these competitors include: Nestle, McDonalds, and Dunkin Donuts. Standing out to generate customers is important yet a hard task to perform. Therefore, in order for Starbucks to alleviate competition wisely, it is of great importance for this company to identify their competitors and know what they are currently doing and how they can be at the top of the game despite stiff competition. Internal Analysis Starbucks has internal capabilities that make its operations smooth. For instance, due to Howard Schultz’s efforts to make Starbucks a better working place, Starbucks now has knowledgeable employees who are conversant with the company’s products, prepare the company’s espresso drinks without missing any detail, motivated, skilled, deliver consistent and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Public Safety Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Public Safety Debate - Essay Example In the novel, The Prince, Machiavelli implies that the state holds all authority. This Machiavellian perspective explicitly argues that all morality, power and natural law should be controlled by the rulers of the state, in the interests of national security and the continuance of the rulers’ power. In the essay, â€Å"On Liberty†John Stuart Mill suggests that â€Å"The only purpose for which power can rightfully be exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others†(John Stuart Mill in Hart, 1963:4-5). Could the purpose of law be as simply stated as: a set of rules to protect society and the individuals within it, and always the safety of the society is more important than that of the individual? In the world’s largest democracy, where human rights principles are constitutionally entrenched, the prioritization of the community over the individual can undoubtedly be seriously questioned. Whether there is moral justification for a law or a security-related need for a law, there has to be widespread agreement within a community or society which recognizes that law (Hart, 1994: 258). Individuals within a society must recognize, acknowledge the validity of, and agree to abide by a law. In the debate over whether public safety is more important than civil rights in the United States of America (US), such questions about the nature of the law, the validity of laws, and the need for community security of the population must be addressed. In at least four instances, forming the basis of the thesis of this paper, the conflict between civil rights and laws enacted to promote national security is notable. In the light of democratic principles, is it justifiable to remove one person’s rights for the presumed greater good? At any given time, certain acts may be seen as immoral, or threatening to the greater good.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Interpersonal Relationships Essay Example for Free
Interpersonal Relationships Essay Do you know what I mean when I say â€Å"What are some things that affect your interpersonal relationships? †Interpersonal relationships are any type of relationship that you have with someone else. I am going to share some tips that help with interpersonal relationship conflicts, and the things that influenced these relationships. As you get older you start to develop relations through personality, looks, intellectual stimulation, things in common or differences. This creates friendships, colleagues, and unimportant people. All types of things determine your interpersonal relationships. The most common form of daily communication is interpersonal. That is face to face, at the same time and in the same place (Lievrouw 2005). Emotional intelligence plays a strong role in relationships. As your relationship grows, you start to share a lot of emotions with others. Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Without the ability to show emotions, or understand them, they wouldn’t have any effect on a persons’ perception. Perception is your thought process about someone after taking, and observing the other person. Interpersonal conflict is neither bad nor good, but depending on how the disagreement is resolved, the conflict could strengthen or weaken the relationship. After the conflict, try to learn Interpersonal Relationships something from it. Conflicts will arise, and people are always going to communicate, and with communication in your interpersonal relationships. There are a few tips that could help save some conflicts. You could just deal with it, just leave the situation alone. Most important when you confront any conflict situation, you have to think it through. Otherwise you might make the wrong decision. You could confront the conflict face to face, and talk it out. Sometimes using a mediator would help. Having someone between the conflict, seems to keep the tension down. Something that proves right over and over to me is to avoid trouble makers. If you can ovoid these kinds of people then you are sure to pass a conflict. You should choose your battles. Be wise, and think it through, and apologize when appropriate. You have to know that you are not always going to be right. Maybe there is something you could do like work on your communication skills, and work to minimize conflicts. When you work to minimize a conflict you avoid conflicts as much as possible. And try not to be verbally aggressive or attacking the other person. Some of my most influential interpersonal relationships started at a young age. I was around mostly family and a couple of kids that were the kids of my parents friends. The reason they are the most influential is because these relationships were developed from unconditional love. When I was younger there was no one with bad intentions for me. I created my lifelong best friend at a young age. Her and I were always together, and was a year older than I, and she lived next door. So we connected through the fact that she lived right next door. We also shared a lot of common hobbies. Interpersonal Relationships The amount of self-disclosure depends on the level the relationship. Self-disclosure is information about yourself that you share with others, who you have already established a relationship with. So the more trust and comfort you have in any relationship the more you would share. It is communication of more sensitive, private, and confidential information. The level of self-disclosure in our relationship was high and very easy to do. I trusted her with everything and told her everything. When it comes to other people I have a hard time telling them anything. I have a hard time trusting other people. When you are younger the relations that you start are pure, which makes it easier to start. Still to this day every time that I see her, my perception of her is still the same as it was when we were children. We have shared a lot of hard and good times together. So with the emotional connection that we have it makes us both turn to each other when we are in need. We shared a lot in common being close in age, that we shared mutual friends. Sometimes this would cause a conflict. We always seemed to get though the situation. I think that we really connected through personality. Through the years our relationship is still the same. I am thankful to have a friend that I can always count on. I have a lot of interpersonal relationships that are a big part of my life. My family and my fiance are strong relationships, created from love, trust, verbal and non-verbal expressions. The hardest to maintain is the one with my fiance. There are so many obstacles that can ruin a relationship like this. Interpersonal relationships are also built around need. As long as you fulfill the need of the other person you will have a strong relationship.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
An Over View Of The Restaurant Industry Marketing Essay
An Over View Of The Restaurant Industry Marketing Essay A food catering establishment known as a Restaurant offer food and drinks to the customer in return for money. Restaurants also offer take-out and delivery options. There are large variety of restaurants and restaurant chains in the world that specialize on the main chefs cuisines or specific service models. Modern age restaurants were established during the 18th century in Europe where the business is mainly serving of food as per the order given by the customer. The first restaurant was established in France in 1765 by the name Restaurant that offered soups to customers. It was opened by A. Boulanger, a soup vendor. The first luxury restaurant was opened in France by name La Grande Taverne de Londres in 1782. Paris was the cultural and commercial hub during the time of evolution of restaurants. There was demand from customers for individual tables, individual orders and flexible lunching times and payment based on the item ordered. The kind of menus also segmented the restaurant bu siness. The main advantage of restaurant pattern is that the restaurants can serve the customers what they want. Restaurants as we see in the present form have supposed to be originated during the time of French revolution. Both revolutionaries and counter revolutionaries were attracted to the restaurants. Revolutionaries claimed restaurants as a means for breaking the traditional common meals, while counter revolutionaries called restaurant lunching to be an uncivilized way of living. The system of printed menu appeared in 1770. Penalty was levied for guests stealing food from the hosts of the restaurants or hosts stealing food from the guests. The penalty for theft from a restaurant was 8 years of forced labor. The most famous restaurant in Paris during the 19 the century was Cafà © Anglais which served classic dishes like sole Duglere and potage Germiny. Many of the worlds finest chefs were from France including Georges Auguste Escoffier who organized kitchen teams consisting of trained experts. One of the worlds finest restaurants was established during the 20th century called Resturant de la Pyramide in Vienna. French restaurants today are usually in one among the three categories, the bistro and inexpensive establishment, a medium-priced restaurant and the classy and elegant ones. In other European countries, also restaurants emerged during the same time. IN Italy Botteghe originated in the 16 th century for serving coffee. Many Austrians had their own steady restaurants called Stambeissi. The casarda in Hungary limits to meat dishes and fish stews. The Weinstube in Germany had a large wine selection and weinhauss offered food and wine to the customers. The economic reasons for the development of restaurants were those associated with income growth, population and commerce. There are a large number of events throughout the year that can influence the business of the restaurants. Seasonal food and that made from local produce has a big trend in the restaurant business in Europe. Another trend is offering special food on special days for example, Mothers day, Valentines Day, etc. There has been special food offered even during the time of events like Wimbledon, Rugby or school holidays. Sundays are often the busiest days and Mondays and Tuesdays find very low business. There is an increase of 40% annual revenue during Christmas and New Year. Restaurants range from simple lunching spaces to costly establishments serving classy food and beverages served in a formal setting. Usually the orders are taken at the tables by the waiter where the customer sits and when the food is brought to the table when it is ready and customers pay the bill while leaving. There are restaurants which offer specific type of food such as seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants, etc. Restaurant guides help to rate the restaurant which provide information on customer opinions on the restaurants. The Michelin series of guides are used for rating the culinary skills of restaurants in Western Europe. A rating of 1 to 3 stars is provided and more the number of stars, higher are the price of the food. Another rating guide is the Gault Millau where the restaurants are ranked based on the quality of food, rather than the dà ©cor and the service. Here the restaurants are rated in a scale of 1 to 20 with 20 being the highest. These days, internet sites are available where the restaurant reviews are put up by customers. Chain restaurants offer a familiar menu and dà ©cor irrespective of its location. Earliest chain restaurants originated in Germany called automats. Restaurant chains account for nearly 14% of UKs total catering expenditures. According to Technonomics 2010, Leading 100 U.K Chain Restaurants report fast casual restaurants are growing at a faster rate than limited service restaurants. Food service industry continues to be growing with revenues on a fast growth track. LITERATURE REVIEW. Restaurants in Europe According to the Market Research firm Mintel UK restaurant market is more than  £ 25b a year. Standalone restaurants contribute around  £ 5.4b a year where as the fast-food restaurant sector accounts to  £ 6.7b a year. The U.K restaurant industry employees more than 5, 00,000 staff with over 5, 00,000 restaurants spread across Europe. According to the British Hospitality Association, 70% of the restaurants in Europe are owner operated contributing to a great share in Britains economy. Mc Donalds has the biggest presence in UK market with more than 1250 outlets in Europe. This is followed by Burger King, White Bread, and TGI Fridays. Further players include Garfunkels, Caffe UNO, Frankie Bennies brands. Food sales out-of home has grown to 84% since the last decade. In 2005, the out of home food consumption was 10.6% ahead of 2002 statistics. Statistics show that the leisure spending in eating out is more than in-home grocery bill in U.K. TOP 20 UK RESTAURANT GROUPS IN 2009 (by number of outlets) Owner 2009 outlets 2008 outlets Selected brands 1 Mitchells Butlers 775  728  Harvester, Toby, All Bar One, Vintage Inns 2 Gondola 585 575 PizzaExpress, Ask, Zizzi 3 Whitbread 372 398 Beefeater, Brewers Fayre, Table Table 4 Punch Taverns  362 344 (Spirit)  Chef Brewer, Two For One, Millers 5 The Restaurant Group  350  336  Frankie Bennys, Garfunkels, Chiquito 6 Tragus  270  267  Cafà ©Ã‚ Rouge, Bella Italia, Strada 7 Nandos  213  190  Nandos 8 Bay Restaurant Group 190  381  La Tasca, Slug Lettuce, haha Grill 9 Little Chef  180  179  Little Chef 10 Famous Brands  176  178 Wimpy 11 Greene King 155  238  Hungry Horse, Loch Fyne 12 Prezzo 141 135  Prezzo, Ultimate Burger, iMMO 13 Clapham House 79  74  Gourmet Burger Kitchen, The Real Greek 14 Paramount Restaurants 75 75  Chez Gerard, Caffà ¨Ã‚ Uno  15 Town Centre Restaurants 57 58 Auberge, Cafà ©Ã‚ Giardino, Azzurro 16 Wagamama 56 59 Wagamama 17 Ispani Family 55 Pontis, Caffe Alba 18 Carluccios  42  39  Carluccios 19 YO! Sushi  41  33  YO! Sushi 20 Orchid Pubs 40 44  Oriental Restaurant Group, Contemporary Carvery 21 Individual Restaurant Group 34 30 Piccolino, Zinc, Bank 22 Regent Inns*  31  Old Orleans Note: UK outlets only. Includes pubs whose food sales exceed 50% of turnover * Regent Inns went into administration in October 2009 Source: Horizon FS Restaurant Brands Branded restaurant chains are now on an increasing demand with more and more people enjoying the experience. The growth of branded food service and restaurant chains have been a significant feature of the growing market. Along with international brand names like subway and Mc Donalds there have been new home grown brands also such as Cafà © Rouge, Wagamama, Nandos, Cafà © Nero, Loch Fyne,La Tasca, etc. All these businesses continue to expand with increase in external funding from both private equity and public markets. According to the Peach Factory research in 2007, casual dining restaurants are top choice in London, where 72% of Londoners visit a casual dining restaurant at least once in every three months and 31% going atleast two times in a month. According to MC Report of February 2010, Pizz Express tops the top 20 brands in UK. The drivers of the brand value are three fold: estimate of the current and future earning of a specific brand, based on publicly available revenue, capital and profit numbers. The remaining top 10 included Frankie Bennys, Wagamama, Zizi, Ask, Bella Italia, Cafà © Rouge and Loch Fyne. Greater consumer demands are putting much pressure on chain restaurants to distinguish their products from others. Restaurant brands have a clear brand strageywhich requires attention, consistency and respect once executed. Brands are usually born from a single persons vision with the only motive to provide new experiences to the customers. For a restaurant brand to succeed its products and services should keep up the promises made through ads and communications. Once the trust of customers has been established existing customers will return to the same brand. Strongest performing restaurants generate more than 70% from repeat business. Restaurant executives use satisfaction and loyalty measures to assess the brand image. Other use brand awareness scores. Another approach is creating a perpetual map of a particular vertical market. The consumers may also be asked the restaurant usage habits like frequency, occasion and brand selection. The may also be asked to evaluate both physical and attitudinal characteristics like lighting, food quality, pricing, etc. It is also important to gather a lot of attributes rather than focusing on very few. The customers should then evaluate the attributes. Consumers can be given an option to choose between two restaurant brands, which is good when the attributes do not capture all aspects. According to Aaker (1997), brand personality can be defined as the set of human characteristics associated with a brand. Branding helps in creating a difference. It differentiates the product from just being one commodity against many identical commodities. People are generally willing to pay more for a branded product than for a largely unbranded product. It helps in creating a connection with people. Brand Challenges for 2010 Discount Vouchers: there will be an increase of 50% in the use of promotional vouchers by diners. This can affect the brand equity and pricing resulting in a lower shareholder value. Inconsistent Delivery: Rapid growth of brands has caused inconsistent delivery. National Local: Brands need to adapt to the local demands Healthy tasty: The consumers are more health conscious which forces brands to create healthy foods. Characteristics of Leading U.K. brands Following are the characteristics of the leading brands that contribute to the current and Future Success. Embedded strategy: A clearly defined strategy, well communicated, understood and performed by all employees, partners, suppliers and investors with main motive being the customer benefit. Consistency throughout all operations: 70% of the profit is contributed through repeat customers. This can be ensured by ensuring the promised services. Culture: A unique and strong organizational culture that holds all the stakeholders together and work towards a common goal Commitment to innovation: Consistently offering new services and products motivates the customer for more purchase. True people organization: An organization which takes care of the employees always gains customer satisfaction and loyalty Ongoing measurement: Measuring the performance through a balanced scorecard approach help analyze the drawbacks and make improvements Changing consumer interests Travelling and eating out are going to be the two leisure-spending activities by the British. Richest 20% spend significantly by eating out. The biggest spenders in eating out are adults in no children households. There is increased consumer emphasis on health, freshness, provenness, authencity and environmental friendly products. Food retailing and out of home market are definitely to benefit. Over half of the Britons want locally produced food and 53% feel that there should be more UK production. There has been a rise in New Puritans interested in health and lifestyle who advise others what to be done and what not to be done. Consumers want better quality, better service and less expensive items which has been reflected in UK casual dining scenario. People under 24 are the heaviest users of casual dining restaurants. The change in the demographics, economic growth, have-it-all society and experience economy all influence the casual dining out market. According to Peach factory repo rt 66% of the adults felt that the restaurants should be doing more to improve eating out experience. The quality of food, the type of service, food and the value for money are the main factors influencing the eating-out market. Women feel healthier eating options are more important. Food, service and value remain the key market drivers to the demanding consumers. Consumers say that most of them want cleaner restaurants efficient service, low prices and friendlier service. Younger customers are more interested in lower prices. Healthy food options and environmental concerns though not vital, but cannot be ignored. Public generally likes and understands branded chains General Classification of Restaurants Bistros -Bistros are relaxed and informal restaurants with 60 seats or less offering French food. Brasseries- These are large bustling restaurants with flexible dining experience. They often serve French food. Chinese food- In Chinese restaurants one can get dishes such as Beijing duck, Shanghai noodles, Sichuan soup and Guangdong dumplings. Country House hotels- Restaurants in British country side where ancestral homes are converted to restaurants. Fine Dining-restaurants with fine luxurious surroundings with linen covered tables and high quality tableware. Gastropubs- Restaurants in public house or coaching inn. They display huge British accent to the menu, but will also serve French cuisine Greek restaurants- Food is prepared using olive oil, grains and bread, wine fish and various meats. These are all complemented by wines or anise flavored liquors. Indian restaurant- Here food is characterized by herbs, spices and vegetables from India. International restaurant- Serves a wide variety of dishes representing different cultures. Italian restaurants -Serves Italian cuisine Japanese cuisines- The Japanese food is recognized as worlds healthiest food, low in cholesterol fat and high in fibre Malaysian Restaurants- Offer culinary diversity with fresh aromatic herbs and roots, lemon grass, ginger, garlic, shallots, kaffirlime and chilies. Modern British- Services quality dishes using local produce. Modern European- Seasonal style of cooking incorporating Mediterranean influences and ingredients Modern Scottish- Has both traditional and Scottish dishes along with international food. Seafood restaurants- Restaurants servicing fish and sea food Thai- the cuisine is spicy and served with strong aromatic ingredients Vegetarian restaurants- Food served without meat and fish Some of the brands in U.K are classified based on the brands owned by celebrity chefs and brands that propagate certain ideas. Jamies Italian by Chef Jamie Oliver, Rick Steins Padstow, Delia Smiths Delias Restaurant and Bar, Chef Heston Blumenthals Fat Duck, Antony Worall Thompsons The Grey Hound, Gordon Ramsay Holdings, Gary Rhodes W1 restaurant are some of the restaurant brands opened by celebrity chefs. Gordon Ramsay Brand Gordon Ramsay brands are one of the most celebrated restaurant brands throughout the globe. Most of the Gordon Ramsay brands are in United Kingdom, a few in America, Tokyo and Dubai. Gordon Ramsays restaurants are well known for its services and the great food. His restaurants have been awarded 3 Michelin stars and he himself has been awarded 10 Michelin stars. The Gordon Ramsay restaurants in U.K are Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, Petrus, Gordon Ramsay at Claridges, Angella Hartnet at the Connaught, The Savoy grill, Banquet, Boxwood cafà ©, Maze, La Noisette. Gordon Ramsay restaurants offer a mix of French, European, American and Asian cuisines. In 1998 Ramsay quit Aubergine restaurant which he co-owned with A-Z restaurants. He won Aubergine restaurant three Michelin stars. In 1991 he opened the Petrus restaurant in London which later won a Michelin star. Amaryllis in Glasgows One Devonshire Gardens hotel was opened by Gordon Ramsay Holdings in April 2001, which was awarded a Michelin star in January 2002. In October 2001 the group opened Gordon Ramsay at Claridge and won a Michlen star in 2001 for London restaurant. In October 2002, the food and beverages operation at Londons Connaught hotel was taken over by Gordon Ramsay Holdings. In May 2003, Wareing took over Savoy Grill. Ramsay opened the Boxwood Cafà © in Berkeley Hotel. In December 2003 Wareing moves Petrus into the Berkeley. In December 2003, Wareing opened theBaquette above Savoy Grill. In May 2005, Gordon Ramsay Holding has opened Maze at the London Mariott Hotel Grosvenor Square in London. The total number of staff in Gordon Holdings is more than 900. Tragus Holdings Tragus Holdings is one of UKs largest independent restaurant operators. It serves more than 12 million meals each year with 160 mid- market restaurants. The company was formed in 2002, through the  £25m acquisition of the Pelican Group and Bright Reasons Group from Whitbread. The key brands are Cafà © Rouge, Strada and Bella Italia. Other brands include Mama Amalfi, Amalfi, Abbaye, Oriel, Leadenhall Wine and Tapas bar. The company rolled out Huxleys Bar and Kitchen at Heathrow. The company is backed by Blackstone Group private firm. In May 2010, the group opened 15 new sites across three key brands and plans to open around 20 new sites in the current financial year. The group considers the expansion of the brands as the key to profitability. Tragus wants to ensure the quality of the sites to ensure its brand image. Tragus found the recession period challenging due to the poor economic conditions and the poor consumer spend. There have been a strong promotional activity along with the quality of service which contributed to the growth of the brand. Tragus employs 7300 people and has an equal opportunities policy. Tragus invests a considerable amount in training and they have their own in-house training department. Trags encourages feedback on the menus from customers as well as from nutrition experts. The organization promotes healthy eating habits in joint with other industry players which cover procurement kitchen practices, menu planning and information. They provide nutritional information including calorific content to the customers. Trends A key trend for restaurateurs is the availability of external funding in the shape of venture capital firms resulting in large number of mergers and acquisitions, but at the same time there are plenty of opportunities for independent operators. The industry has to satisfy the increasing demand due to dual income households, increased number of working women, rise in the number of old consumers. London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol are the some of the hubs of the UK market scene. Future Prospects The restaurateurs are forced at increasing the levels of service, especially outside London. There is a prospect for increased market segmentation because of mergers and acquisitions. The main challenges going forward will be satisfying the changing consumer tastes and expectations. Consumers want cleaner restaurants, efficient and friendlier service, and low prices. Women opt for cleaner restaurants than men do. For the UK restaurant industry, understanding what the consumer wants and then delivering it is the biggest challenge with more attraction towards branded chains. Methodology The two brands Gordon Ramsay and Tragus have been considered for our analysis here. A questionnaire was created to estimate the brand awareness, the brand personality affecting the customer perception, major factors affecting the brand personality and the impact of these brands as a marketing tool for business. A simple random sample of customers of both brands was selected to whom the questionnaire was circulated. The various factors have been discussed in the analysis given below. ANALYSIS. (The below analysis of the comparison of the Gordon Ramsay brand and the Tragus group based on customer feedback. The questions and the feedback of the customers are discussed below.) What is the main problem you faced at a) Gordon Ramsay b) Tragus? For Gordon Ramsay Holdings 45% of the respondents mentioned, other problems that they faced while using the services. 43% of the respondents found no problems with the service of Tragus. Which area do you think needs most improvement? The responses are as shown above. Majority of the customers have demanded for more variety for Gordon Ramsay brand. For Tragus, most customers demanded for low prices. What do you think the Unique selling Proposition of a) Gordon Ramsay b) Tragus? 26% of the respondents chose food as the Unique selling Proposition of Tragus Brand and for Gordon Ramsay; majority has chosen others, which is the chef himself as the brand image. How do you compare the services at Gordon Ramsay with Tragus? The respondents were asked to compare the services at Tragus and Gordon Ramsay. It can be seen that quality of food almost tops for both the groups. What in Gordon Ramsay brand attracts you more? The respondents were asked to choose the service that attracted more in the Gordon Ramsay brand. 6Which brand of Tragus attracts you more? The respondents were asked to choose the popular brands within the Tragus brand. It was found that Bella Italia was most popular among the customers. Do you think Gordon Ramsays personality has an impact on Gordon Ramsay restaurant brand? 68% of the respondents feel that the chef Gordon Ramsay has a direct influence on the brands image. Do you think brand name prompts you to go to Tragus? 54% of the respondents feel that the name Tragus prompts them to go to the restaurant. It is evident that the brand name has a direct impact on the minds of people. DISCUSSION Gordon Ramsay- The brand value Chef Gordon Ramsay is the force behind the 28 restaurants belonging to Gordon Ramsay Holdings. The Gordon Ramsay Holdings reported a pre-tax loss of  £4.3 million in 2008. He has published a vast array of cookery books and owns a catering school. Though the company has suffered in the recession hit economic climate and by the negative publicity about Ramsays public affairs Gordon Ramsay Holdings appear to be resilient and has reinforced a successful risk mitigation strategy. GRH had diversified the risk and helped to secure income streams through the opening of three pubs and several mid-priced maze grills. The organization forged strong partnership with a private equity firm in the global hotel and catering industry called Blackstone group. The critical element of GRHs internationalization is Ramsays television career since 2004 that has popularized the chef and the brand throughout the world. The passionate and aggressive leadership style in these shows gives the Gordon Ramsay br and a competitive advantage which represents the over all DNA of the group. Ramsay has been quick to find and nurture talent throughout his shows and this skill has proved to be the core capability of GRH. The sense of teambuilding and promoting from within has fostered a high level of loyalty among the staff. 85% of the staff from 1993 is still employed in the business. He has been able to inspire and engage with his tough but lovable approach to management. GRH recognizes the dream of its ambitious chefs by allowing them to open subsidiaries. The company lost  £850,000 when it closed the pengelley restaurant in Londons Knight bridge in 2005. The failure was aggravated when he employed a executive chef from outside GRH. In 2006, the GRHs London Hotel in New York suffered late opening due to delays, it received poor reviews and the head chef had to be replaced. Soon it was transformed and gained two Michlen stars. In 2008, Ramsay opened his first Parisian restaurant, Versailles at the Trianon Palace Hotel but suffered a loss of of  £1.78 million and was soon closed down. Ramsay is the face of the organization without doubt, and his actions in restaurant and televisions have impacted GRH. There has been nothing like Brand Ramsay in the world of cooking before. Ramsays position rest on two bases, the restaurant and as a media person. Tragus The brand value Tragus adopts a strategy of organic growth by opening new restaurants. It also aims at continually improving the existing brands through menu development and more investment into the group. It sees improved profitability through disciplined management and use of technology in its business. Tragus aims at providing more training and development programmes to its people and excellent customer service. It aims at acquiring groups of sites, which can enhance the portfolio. It looks at new opportunities and style of eating. The menu content has been regularly reviewed and has controlled the cost increases through regular retendering of the contracts. The company had adopted a good labour management system that can leverage the efficiencies. A new commercial and marketing structure was implemented in 2010 to improve the marketing activities of the group. The group also focuses on investing in the estate so that the best standards of presentation are meet. They have focused more on the Strada brand to maintain the contemporary image and the best quality of food. The group finds the brands, the pricing points and the value for money offerings as their competitive advantage. The group sees a growth potential for all the three brands Bella Italia, Strata and Cafà © Rouge. Tragus considers its people as the most important ingredient to its success. Tragus considers its corporate social responsibility as a priority. The group in relation with its suppliers tries to reduce the impact on the environment. They have promoted initiatives in mainly three areas -waste and recycling, energy saving, and food and drink. The company tries to find additional ways of recycling. The company has a central distribution center giving a single drop-off point for recyclable material. The trucks, which deliver food and drinks, while returning collect, used cooking oil, plastics and cardboard. The company tries to reduce their dependency on paper by using voice recognition technology. The company is working on a 100% recycling scheme for their restaurants. The company aims at energy saving by reducing the electricity use by 10% in the restaurants. All the Tragus brands run smart meters to view accurate usage of electricity. The company has undertaken multi disciplinary project to review the energy consumption across all the restaurants. The company supplies filtered tap water to all customers at Strada. The company uses Belu, UKs first carbon neutral water. The company also has served the community by working with organizations like Great Ormond street, Marie curie, children in need, etc. The company sees a brand risk through food scarce or a slow decline in a brands appeal to its customers, which can be met through efficient operations. The risk on the brands appeal can be met through continuous menu innovation, marketing campaigns and brand development. The company finds the market to be highly competitive especially in service offering, product quality and price. The marketing teams monitor the market offering and pricing on an ongoing basis. The group undertakes a regular mystery diner visits to all restaurants to ensure that the standards of the menu and customer service are met. There is a rolling renovation programme to all the present estates. Tragus has laid out the following aims as a part of its Brand building Creating a standout differentiation Establishing and delivering a compelling idea Focus and direction A clear proposition Tone of voice Compelling brand levers Defining customer segments Tragus wants its customers to keep dining, repeat business, try new dishes and menu items, trade up, and spread the message to others. Tragus wants to know more about consumers, wants to convert them to customers, Drive brand loyalty, not just voucher loyalty. Tragus believes that Brand development gives conversation rationale, but service execution is all. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis and the market study done for the both the brands of restaurants, the following suggestions can be recommended. Looking to the future the GRHs focus should be survival and selective growth due to the economic slowdown. Both Gordon Ramsay and Tragus groups should focus on the standard of goods supplied by third parties. Any suppliers who do not satisfy the minimum standards should be delisted. Both companies should try to retain the best talent at both restaurant and head office level The organizations should keep a check on the price of key raw materials and wages There should be strong financial and operational review and financial reviews There should be essential funding available for the operational purposes hence essential contracts needs to be maintained. The organizations should be careful about the risk of fraud existing in the misappropriation of assets, including cash banking. This should be mitigated through management structure, regular financial review and extensive use of business reviews. There should be regular financial audits carried out in the organizations There should be continuous monitoring of the marketing, brand strategies and pricing. The groups should regularly review the products and involve the customers in improving the value for money offering me
Friday, September 20, 2019
Internal Challenges for Coca Cola
Internal Challenges for Coca Cola PROBLEM:- In coca cola NZ we found few problems while searching about them there is one major problem is security system in coca cola is not really good which put a bad impact on the company s profile. Millions of dollars worth products were stolen from the headquarter .Top level management of coca cola found many issues regarding this and they believe that all this illegal activities done by their staff because every week more than thousands of bottles were stolen from the distribution centre . Staff members in distribution department sell their products in diaries on very cheap prices. There is no dedicated regulatory authority to oversee the carriage of the goods and whether the contractor takes the goods at the prescribed price, which causes the truck driver to sell the dairy and other beverages to the store owner at the price of the black market. This question fully reflects that New Zealand Coca-Cola Company abuse of trust, leadership should believe in their own staff, but should not set up a special regulatory authority to monitor. On the other hand, Coca-Cola lacks managerial talent Management did not follow the change management system.thats why staff start doing these kind of ilegal things in company because no one is watching them. They used to the management system and makes their own plans of work.At that time its really very important for Coca cola to make some changes in production system and update according to the needs in organisation. SCOPE OF RESEARCH:- Scope of research The scope of the research includes the New Zealand transport sector, the supervisory and management department, the contractor ,Security department and the superior leadership. Mainly research how the New Zealand Coca-Cola Company regulates how the goods are being transported and how they are traded with the contractor. Why there will be products to the black-market price into the market. The scope of the survey does include how Coca-Cola produces products and how the Human Resources Department recruits talent. Resources:- Personal computers We used our personal computers for typing and editing the document. Also, we used our personnel computers as a device to browse internet to collect facts about the coca cola company based in New Zealand. Internet We used internet to browse through different websites and internet helps us a lot in finding accurate facts and figures. Also, we could complete our researchwith in the limited time frame because of the internet facility. Books / Magazines / websites / Newspapers We used different articles, case studies in websites which help us in collecting facts and figures so quickly and different websites were visited during the research in order to collect accurate and true facts. Time Frame No Activity Duration Tasks completed 1 Basic research about the selected organization and the whole industry. 2 days Browse through various websites to get information. 2 Planning and discussing about the facts chosen to include in the research report with the group members and scheduling tasks to be complete. 1 day Planned and Scheduled the steps to be followed. 3 Completion of the Research proposal. 1 day As per the schedule we worked on Research proposal first. QUESTIONNAIRE:- 1) Did you found ever any shortage of stock in your organisation? 2) When you found stock was missing in organisation what kind of steps were taken by Management? 3) Is theft problems in organisations from long term? 4) Are Employees and workers are not satisfied from salaries or compensation? 5) How many people in your Regulatory authorities? 6) How Regulatory authorities work? 7) Is supervisory regulation limited to employees? 8) Do you think the theft of the companys headquarters products over the past two years is the oversight of the regulators? 9) For Regulatory authorities, what do you think is necessary to improve in the operation of the project? 10) Do you have well established process to address computer security breaches in distribution centre? 11) Do you measure your annual losses from all business transactions? 12) Do you use biomatrix attendance in organisation to ensure about the employess identity? 13) Are you struggling from the high cost to handle your security system in organisation? 14) Is there any incidents report of theft? 15) Were you taken actions against workers who were involved in illegal activities? 16) Through the last two years of theft, do you think the regulatory aspects of which to strengthen? 17) What do you think of the companys lack of talent? 18) How to rectify the black-market transactions between contractors and transport drivers? 19) For the manager, how do you supervise and review? 20) From the production of products to transport, what steps need to go through? 21) How do you interection with the staff generally? 22) Do you have any futher plans to control on the security system of distribution? PRIMARY RESEARCH QUALITATIVE:- In our primary research report we found few security problems in organization and we put a few questions in questionnaire for employees and top level management to check their reviews regarding theft incident. In primary research report we ask many things like what their future plan to sort out this problem. In Our primary research reports we conduct depth interviews with groups and we works to know that whats actually going inside the organization. what kind of problems they are facing and what kind of steps they are taking to get best results at the end. Management concepts:- Planning:- Coca cola s management system regarding security was really not good thats why products were stolen from the distribution they have to make a proper plan to overcome this problem .Management have to establish new plans and establish new team in their department to look after all the process .so they can easily check all the steps in organisation. In planning concept they have to interlinked their departments with others like financial departments with production and distribution departments so they can check the transactions and delivery payments .Furthermore, Management have to focus on basic needs of employees and find out the problems which they are facing while working inside the organisation. Controlling:- In organization staff members stolen the products selling to dairy shops on very cheap prices .it puts bad impact on the organization structure. Staff members doing illegal activities in organization there was no control on this .Management just only focus on sales and making profit .No team was there to check the whole department. There was not control on the security system of coca cola .Coca cola have to focus on all manufacturing of bottling as well as distribution system so they can touch with the employees who are working in distribution system . Organizing:- Companys security problem puts very bad impact on all departments . Loose management of the organization affect on the companys core competitiveness .In this modern era its very important to stay above from competitors .Security system of coca cola puts bad impact on customers as well .Loyal customers start questioning on the management system of organization. Its very important for company to organize everything according to plan establish teams and held meeting with senior staff members to find out actual problem in company so they can make plan and organize and provide training to employees . Leading:- Its very important for top level management to interfere in this process and lead all the senior managers and give them strict duties to look after all the security problems of organizations .They have to establish teams in departments and lead them by senior managers .All the plans which they are implemented in future to secure everything are properly well planned .
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Listening to Prozac : The dangers behind the sirens seductive call :: Neurological Neurology Brain Essays
Listening to Prozac : The dangers behind the siren's seductive call "If the human brain were simple enough for us to understand, we would be too simple to understand it" (1). In his book Listening to Prozac, Dr. Peter Kramer thoroughly examines how Prozac has revolutionized the power of psychopharmacological medication and what it teaches us about the human self. Prozac has demonstrated the ability to transform a person's behavior, outlook, and conception of self through a neurological change of biology, thus providing more evidence that brain does indeed equal behavior. Perhaps more fascinating than the answers it provides about human neurobiology are the difficult questions, ironies, and problems its usage raises. The administration of Prozac challenges the model of healing through cognitive powers due to its purely biologic effectiveness. This success has widened the gap between the un-medicated and medicated human self. Which is the "true" reflection of a person? Do Prozac's transformations emulate an unnatural idealized social norm or release a healthy individual trapped in an unnatural state? How does this reflect or change our definitions of " illness" and "wellness"? Dr. Kramer's discussions hinge upon the idea that the nervous system controls behavior. The case studies he provides show people who, after taking Prozac, have remarkable "transformations" of multiple facets of behavior including perceptions, motivation, emotions, sense of choice, values, and personality (defined by given temperament as well as developed character). Prozac's ability to change a person so drastically on a biological level causes much apprehension because the change does not need to be processed cognitively or even consciously. Dr. Kramer asserts that this change need not coincide with any self-knowledge because it is "evidently not necessary"(32). His comment points to a desire among many that the conscious self (I-function) has a stronger influence on behavior than biology does because we intimately connect behavior with self-identity. Relying on a foreign substance to change biology (and self) without apprising and receiving sanction from the conscious-self first se ems unnatural. The utter reliance on biology without utilizing our human gift of cognition seems to be a violation of how humanity has separated itself from our own inner animal. Dr. Kramer dismisses claims that Prozac compromises our vision of humanity through changing behavior in psychobiological terms by saying, "biological models are not reductionistic but humanizing, in the sense that they restore scale and perspective and take into account the vast part of us that is not intellect" (143).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Russian Revolution: was The Krondstat Naval Uprising A Spontaneous Ac :: essays research papers
History Revolutions - The Kronstadt Naval Uprising Word Count: 1997 On March 1, 1921, the sailors of the Kronstadt naval fortress rose up in an armed rebellion against Russia's totalitarian leadership, claiming that Bolshevik control of Russia had failed to achieve its promise of working class liberation, delivering only a 'new serfdom' and 'even greater enslavement of human beings'. The Kronstadt sailors, who had previously been regarded by Trotsky himself as the 'pride and glory' of the revolution, now held themselves in direct dissention with the state's communist rule. The rebels quickly adopted a self-drafted fifteen-point plan of political and social reforms that they vowed to fight by, aspiring to achieve a third and new 'toilers revolution'. At the time of the revolt, members of the Russian populace who sympathized with the Kronstadt sailors viewed them as revolutionaries 'fighting to restore the true soviet idea'. However, the Bolshevik government took the belief that the uprising was the result of a premeditated conspiracy on behalf of counter-revolutionary 'whiteguard agents,' and undertook extreme measures to propagate this view amongst the public. This was an issue that would later become a point of much contention between historians holding different theories over the causes of the event. This study shall seek to justify the view that the Kronstadt uprising was one of spontaneous revolt, brought on by discontent with the conditions experienced under the Bolshevik regime, and not the result of a precontrived outside 'White' influence. During the years preceding the Kronstadt rebellion, Russia was locked within a brutal period of civil war between the Bolshevik's 'red' army and the opposing scattered 'white' imperialist forces fighting for reinstatement of the old Tsarist rule. The war's great expense as a consequence of its need for resources was dealing a crushing blow to the already crippled Russian economy, and its constant skirmishes caused the disruption of transport around the nation. This, amongst other factors, prevented foodstuffs grown in rural areas from reaching the cities, causing widespread famine and mass exoduses from these areas. Petrograd, where the Kronstadt naval base was situated, suffered greatly during this period. Its remoteness from producing areas contributed to a dire food shortage and the departure over half its population, its numbers dropping from 2.5 million to just 750 000 between the years of 1917-20 due to workers emigrating to the countryside in search of food. One Soviet source likens the conditions of this time to 'fertile soil†¦for the intrigues of the counter-revolution'.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Report on Case Study: Walmart Japan Essay
Question 1: How would you characterize Wal-Mart’s approach to global management? The trademark of Wal-Mart’s global management approach focuses on 3 main strategies: low price, best value, large selection of goods & high quality service. Being the world’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart will enter the international market by providing a wide variety of products at a lower price than its domestic competitors. In addition, one of the common strategies of Wal-Mart is to partner or acquire a local supermarket retailer who has already had a good knowledge of the market in order to save time & money. Wal-Mart is also famous for its great use of distributor network. They pay a lot of attention to choosing a good location when expanding their business, a strategy which has been proven successful in its original US market. Question 2: Do you agree with Wal-Mart’s entry strategy in Japan? What are some of the inherent risks? Do you think that a faster market entry would be more effective? In my opinion, Wal-Mart’s entry strategy in Japan (slow-and-steady) is quite appropriate with Japanese retail environment and economic situation. However, there are many challenges need to be overcome in this potential market: 1. Socio-cultural Differences: In Japan, consumers often equate bad quality with low price. Changing consumer perceptions is not easy or cheap. In addition, Japanese customers demand a quick entry and exit from the stores which makes cutting costs by eliminating staffs from the retail process unadvisable. 2. Fierce Competition: It is unavoidable that there are many strong domestic rivals in a highly potential retail market like Japan. 3. Distribution System: Traditionally, Japan’s multilayered distribution networks have notoriously made selling merchandise more expensive for retailers. Wal-Mart’s desire to remove middle man and wholesalers from this network is quite challenging. These above obstacles bring about unfavorable risks to Wal-Mart and it requires time to deliberate and make the right decision in grasping the cultural quirks. The bit-by-bit approach has proved its rightness in entering a wholly new market in case of Wal-Mart. Thereupon, a faster market entry wouldn’t be more effective but might be a path to another failure of Wal-Mart. Question 3: In your opinion, what is the single most important thing Wal-Mart can do to ensure success in Japan? Explain. In our opinion, the single most important thing Wal-Mart can do to ensure success in Japan is to streamlining its supply chain, or to skip the middleman in other word, then it should be able to pass lower costs along to the custo mer. Therefore, Wal-Mart would have a huge advantage over its local competitors in its ability to price low. Moreover, the Japanese market appears to be ready for value chains. Wal-Mart is confident it can make significant inroads in Japan under its low-price model, but the challenge will lie in its ability to convince Japanese consumers that its everyday low prices don’t translate into poor product quality. Fortunately, Japanese customers are becoming more value conscious, there arises a huge opportunities for discount retailers to capitalize on changing cultural conditions. Entry strategy of Wal-mart in Japan: slow and steady. It had learned from past mistakes and knew that getting to market faster didn’t necessarily equate to being better. For example, in Germany, where retail regulations and swift price competition are both fierce, Wal-Mart reacted before it inventory systems were in place, and the result was substantial operating losses. Driving the strategy is the installation of Wal-Mart’s Retail Link operation, a JIT inventory replenishment system shared between retailer and supplier, effectively eliminating the wholesaler and speeding up payables and receivables collections. Wal-Mart believed Seiyu was the partner best suited for its entry strategy because by working through a local partner, Wal-Mart believed it could better wade through Japan’s long and costly network of suppliers, which has long frustrated many other foreign investor. Since only the biggest Japanese retailers have the leverage with manufactures, partnering with an existing market leader should prove invaluable when attempting to negotiate direct deals. Moreover, Wal-Mart avoids having to build stores and can take advantage of Seiyu’s well-recognized brand. Question 4: Do you think Wal-Mart is doing enough cross-cultural training with its Seiyu employees? What are the greatest challenges Wal-Mart faces in relating to its Japanese employees? In our opinion, in such a different market like Japan compare to the US’s, Wal-Mart is doing enough cross cultural training with its Seiyu employees, but will take time to make employees to adapt changes. First, to reinforce the importance of selling correctly, Wal-Mart has put store managers through weeklong training sessions and has flown hundreds of Seiyu workers to company headquarter in Arkansas. This hopefully can be successful in training Wal-Mart Japan’s employees to learn global management and selling style which meet the world standard according to Seiyu’s CEO said. Nevertheless, according to the case, Wal-Mart arranged just a few cultural training classes to teach the employees to be more outspoken, upbeat and goal-oriented while encouraging employees continually praising co-workers. Apparently, Wal-Mart somehow is not applying a right strategy. Japan is a country where people highly appreciate humbleness. Therefore, appraising co-workers is considered as an inappropriate action which cannot be easily accepted by large number of employees. As a consequence, this might cause difficulties especially for trainee to adapt a new perception within a short term. The greatest challenges Wal-Mart is facing regardless of its Japanese employees should be the culture differences, they have to find out how to deal with the resistance to change of workers. The second problem is maintaining the budget for retraining staff, sending them to foreign environment to learn new management methods to increase sales of Japan Wal-Mart Stores, which may take long time. Question 5: How can Wal-Mart respond to some of the negative impressions of its employment practices in the United States so that these perspectives do not follow it as it expands internationally? With the problem of sex-discrimination lawsuit in 2001, Wal-Mart has fought to class action decision as recently as early 2007. However, its attempts have been unsuccessful. Besides, in order to counter the negative publicity of the discrimination lawsuit, Wal-Mart also opened a diversity office in November 2003, enhancing their claim that: â€Å"Wal-Mart is a wonderful place for women and minorities to work and isolated complaints do not change this fact†Despite the complaint of lowing workers’ standard of living that lead to the negative impact on Wal-Mart’s image, the company has little trouble keeping its shoppers with low prices or attracting workers with the promise of a career in a fast-growing company. Nevertheless, Wal-Mart offers a very promising promoting op portunity to each of its staff. At Wal-Mart, anyone, without a high school degree start as a cart pusher in the parking lot can end up being a store manager, district manager or a regional vice-president. Those reactions ensure a future for Wal-Mart as the biggest private retail employer in the world.
Monday, September 16, 2019
History of Television Essay
Television Broadcasting Malaysian television broadcasting was introduced on 28 December 1963. Color television was introduced on 28 December 1978. Full-time color transmissions of grand launched until officially inaugurated on New Year’s Day 1982. There are currently 8 national free-to-air terrestrial television stations in Malaysia and 2 national pay subscription television stations in Malaysia. Out of eight television channels, four of them are available in Sabah and Sarawak, and the other four are available only in Peninsular Malaysia.Transmissions in Malaysia were black-and-white until 28 December 1978. First stereo audio broadcasting was introduced in 1985 by TV3.Five out of eight channels does not have 24-hour schedule. 24-hour television was introduced in Malaysia between 13 to 16 May 1989 on TV1. The first 24-hour broadcasting in Malaysia was introduced in 2007 by TV2. Local Programming RTM had local programmings in each state until 1984, and those local stations had been replaced by relay of RTM1. RTM1 had 1 hour of local programming between 1984 to 1992. Today, RTM broadcasts the same version nationwide except in Sarawak and Sabah, which still have some local programmings. RTM have plans to re-introduce the local channels after digital switchover. The local channels had the name RTM and state name, for example RTM Pinang for Penang. Each channel had its own schedule and broadcasting hours, and some programs relay from RTM1 and RTM2 (usually news programs and government programs). Between 1984 to 1992, the local programmings was around 5:00pm on RTM1. For the new local channels, the broadcasting hours are currently unknown. Today, RTM still broadcasting radio in local, but television in national.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
College Student Essay
College life is changing for nearly every student. From meal plans and roommates to study abroad and college finances. College life can be a difficult thing to get used to and handle. There will be a lot of time where you doubt yourself and your decision. A lot of student became overwhelm by the requirement of college, the change that took place too fast. No matter how prepared you think you are for college, there are still of shock when you come and have to deal with responsible, the stress of school. and adapting to college campus. The most frequent complaint heard from college students is that their professors are out to fail them and ruin their chance at getting a career. But, what they need to understand is that the professors job is not to force you to do your work, they will not follow you home to make sure that you do what you have to in order to pass the class. Responsible,that seem to be the thing a lot of freshman students seem to lack. They think that they can get away with the same thing that they have been getting away with in high school, that their teacher will pressure them to do their homework and class works in order to pass the class. What they need to understand that they are paying for the education that they are getting, it is up to them if they choose to take it seriously or not. However, it is hard for some kids to go from a high school where their teacher would be on their back about the work their missing work to a college student where the professor would tell them what they need to do and it is up to them if they complete the work or not. On our defence, it hard sometime to go from having some one holding your hand to having to do everything on your own. In your first year of high school, the teacher tell you that they are not here to babysit anyone, they are here to prepare you for college. Yet,they would still hold student hand through the whole process and some can’t break through that phase and take responsible for their own success. what they should do if they are having a hard is to seek help, go see a tutor, work out a time management schedule for your self, and work on doing thing by your self. Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. One of the great destroyers of college students is the belief that thing are very complex, and falling victim to stress. Stress in student happens when student are trying to adjust to college life, emotionally or mentally. Students today face many issues in their life that may clash with their college life like family problem, loss of employment, and school related issues. Student under a lot of stress can end up having depression which could cause student to believe that they are not living up to others expectation or their own expectation. Student end up giving up on their dream and getting some where in life and start doing poorly in school. Most students do not know how to handle the stress they have so they use alcohol, drugs or cheating as a stress reliever. It doesn’t get rid of the feeling you are having it only increase and get more complex until you can handle it no more. if you feel this way go see a student counslor , call a 24-hour help ling, or just find a good friend and tell them hoe you been feeling and together you can get the help you need. In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers. A majority student go out of state for their college experiences, the desire to get a degree at a university can be a rewarding experience but it can be a challenges to living on campus. For many it is the first time outside of the protection of their family’s security. Coming from parent that used to provide all they need and set the boundaries they went by. When they unleash to the life of a college student where the same life they used to live don’t apply any more. Some student take advantage of their new found freedom to try new thing like drinking, smoking, parties out with friend, wasting hundreds of dollar ruin their college years. Other fall under the pressure and fall prey to depression and bad thoughts. Taking advantage of your freedom can be in a good way like joining clubs, and spending your money wisely. If you new friend want you to join with them smoking and drinking then you need to get a new group if friend that would have a positive influences on you. The only time success occurs before work is in the dictionary. Too many student enter college thinking that theres nothing but good time, friendship, and a new change of direction. They soon come face to face with the challenges and struggles of college life. The challenge of having to take care of their education, having to depend on yourself for success. The struggle of feeling like you are a fail to everyone around you. The difficulty of getting used to all you used to know. They need to keep in their mind â€Å" Before you can work smart, you must work hard†. Opportunities don’t just happen, you need to create them.
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