Wednesday, September 2, 2020
History of the Violin and Bow Essay
Stringed instruments, for example, the violin and its going with varieties have been utilized in music for a large number of years. The main formally recorded utilization of the violin was during medieval European occasions. The most punctual type of the violin was alluded to as a Fiddle and the individual playing it was named as a Fiddler. During the fifteenth century however, the violins started taking on another shape and started to cut its own history in music. The advancement of the violin proceeded into the sixteenth century when it created what was to turn into its last look and shape. It is this creative portrayal of a violin that we despite everything perceive and use in our current time. An Italian from Cremona named Andrea Amati, is perceived as the author of the most well known violin making school. The violin making school isn't a structure as such yet all the more a way of thinking and portrayal. It was during this time a blast in violin making came to the extent Europe even as Cremona stayed as the home of the best violin creators on the planet. The most celebrated of these violin making families are the Amati, Guarneri, Antonio Stradivari, Rugerri, and Bergonzi. In the music world, the best artists transparently recognize the Stradivari and Guarneri violins to be the best violins at any point made in the course of recent years. The Violin is an individual from the string instrument family and is equipped for creating a 3 octave sound range when played by talented performers. The sound a violin makes relies upon various elements, the most significant of which are the kind of wood used to create the body of the instrument and the sort of metal strings utilized.. It is normally 14 creeps long and utilizes metal strings fixed to different degrees on tuning pegs, to deliver its excellent sound quality. A run of the mill violin is made out of the accompanying parts: Chin rest, F-gap, strings, tuning pegs, scroll, rear end, fine tuners, connect, paunch, fingerboard, neck, and back plate. The sound is created by the instrumentalists skimming a bow over the metal strings. Violins are typically built to withstand the 17 pounds of descending power that is normally applied to the 4 metal strings. However, much the same as any stringed instrument, the Violin in itself will neglect to make sweet music for the audience members if not played with a bow. The bow is the instrument by which a Violinist causes his instrument to sing. His aptitude in the utilization of the bow creates the violins differing tones and pitches. How a bow is molded and the various parts that structure the bow all work together to shape the best bow for violin playing. A bow is regularly portrayed as a circular segment formed bit of wood that has a level horsehair piece extended and tensioned over the wood. The tips of the bow are pointed toward one side and adjusted on the other. Despite the fact that the violin delighted in different manifestations as it picked up prevalence and was played by chamber and symphony performers, the violin bow didn't stay aware of these changes. This prompted an absolute overhaul that brought about what is known as the advanced bow. The cutting edge bow is accepted to have originally shown up in France during the nineteenth century on account of the Tourte family. The Tourte family is considered by the violin history specialists to be the bow producer likeness the Stradivari family in violin making. The cutting edge bow has increasingly pressure and opposition and utilizations Pemarnbuco wood as wood stick. At times, creators will add unobtrusive alterations to the bow with expectations of delivering an increasingly convenient and usable bow. Truly, very little has changed in the multi year history of the bow. The violin and bow can be thought of as far as milk and treats or espresso with cream. One generally improves the best parts of the other so as to deliver a noteworthy encounter for the individual whose sound-related and tangible recognitions partake in the subsequent agreeable last result of the converging of the 2 instruments. Work Cited Psarianos, Peter. (2007). Violin Bow. How Products Are Made. Recovered October 14, 2007 from http://www. madehow. com/Volume-2/Violin-Bow. html. Skinner, Matthew. (N. A. ). The Violin and It’s History. Recovered, October 13, 2007 from http://www. nelson. planet. organization. nz/~matthew/cbt. html Sprenger, Christoph and Sprenger, Raffael. (N. A. ). The History of the Violin. Recovered October 13, 2007 from http://www. sprengerviolins. com/e/violin_history. htm.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Market Failure free essay sample
A key reason for environmental change is the disappointment of the market framework to proficiently distribute assets to manage broad negative externalities, explicitly those brought about via carbon †based gases contaminating the air. Disappointment in the market framework is extravagantly affecting air. The allotment of assets is influencing nature however more explicitly the carbon based gases are contaminating the climate. This is bringing about worldwide environmental change. Potential arrangements will be examined all through this exposition to forestall showcase disappointment. The arrangements that will be considered are ecological tax collection, government guideline and exchanging attractive licenses e. g. carbon credit advertise. Market Failure Economists perceive two primary sorts of market disappointment †overflows and open merchandise (Jackson, McIver, Bajada 2007: 208). These sorts of market disappointment are externalities and sometimes result in over allotment of assets. Overflows happen when a portion of the advantages or expenses related with the creation or utilization of a decent ‘spill over’ to outsiders; that is, to parties other than the prompt purchaser or vender (Jackson, Mciver, Bajada 2007:204). We will compose a custom paper test on Market Failure or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Externalities are activities of one financial specialist that affect other monetary operators, in either a negative or positive way (Magill’s Choice 1999:569). Overflows can happen under different classifications for instance the earth. The other kind of market disappointment is open merchandise. Open products are merchandise and ventures not gave by the market framework, as they are resolute and frequently not limited by the avoidance rule (Jackson, Mciver, Bajada 2007:206). Unified products are merchandise that can't be isolated. The prohibition standard is basically purchasers that don’t purchase the item are barred from the advantages. This is identified with advertise disappointment as open products are not given by the market and a few cases aren’t ready to be bought. For instance, foundation gave by the administration, it’s a decent yet buyers can’t buy it yet they use it. Overflow costs are related with the outsiders when there is no remuneration. Overflow costs are firmly identified with environmental change as there are costs related with fixing harm authorized on nature which influences the outsider. Air contamination is one part of environmental change that influences outsiders. The contamination of assets in the climate has been a progressing issue for a long time. Assets, for example, coal, oil and gaseous petrol has discharged enormous amounts of carbon recently secured underground stone layers and has expanded the environmental grouping of carbon dioxide by a third (34%) since 1750 (Economist 1990). This is a case of an overflow cost where the outsiders aren’t made up for. Assets have been dirtying the environment for quite a long time yet the outsiders are unconscious of it. Carbon based gases are dirtying the environment bringing about environmental change. The an Earth-wide temperature boost brought about by this more noteworthy grouping of carbon noticeable all around is delivering a foreseen speed of environmental change more prominent than anything seen for in any event 10,000 years (Economist 1990). Overflow costs with respect to air contamination impact the outsider as everybody expects oxygen to live, as the distribution of assets around the globe proceeds, outsiders are influenced by the overflow costs. At the point when creation or utilization of an item incurs costs on some outsider without remuneration, these are named overflow costs. A case of an overflow cost is ecological contamination. At the point when a substance producer dumps squanders into a lake or stream, swimmers, individuals who fish and sail, and entire networks that need a nice water gracefully endure overflow costs. This graph is a case of market disappointment, as it exhibits how overflow coasts influence the designation of assets. There is an over portion of assets as more is provided then what is requested and the item is designated. Qe the balance yield surpasses Qo the ideal yield. The overflow cost is appeared as T, which is the place the externality of designating the asset is shown. Market disappointment is depicted through this graph as the ideal yield is higher then the harmony coming about with overflow costs. Property rights empower the gatherings to put a sticker price on externality through arrangement, making open doors for the two sides. The proprietor of property rights can haggle with the gathering causing the negative externality. The proprietor will look for remuneration for the expense of the externality (Jackson, Mciver, Bajada 2007:209). This is another issue in regards to over designating assets, as property is a generally held asset. The externalities associated with property rights can be useful for the two sides. Contingent upon the exchange the proprietor can cause negative externality since they have property rights and can choose how to manage the property. The gathering included will look for remuneration for the externality yet this can prompt a decrease in yield. So properties are another asset where showcase disappointment can happen. Ecological tax assessment Environmental tax collection is the point at which the legislature charges things that are affecting the earth to take care of the externality expense. The legislature burdens for the most part on carbon based emanations as they are a significant supporter of the environmental change. Autos are a significant commitment to affecting the earth. As appeared beneath vehicles are the most elevated rate on affecting the atmosphere. Makers and purchasers of autos are not required to remunerate those influenced by the air contamination of the processing plant, and accordingly, they face falsely low costs and create and expend such a large number of vehicles (Magill’s Choice 1999:569). This outcomes in the private vehicle showcase flopping as the amount of vehicles is excessively high and if the expenses related with air contamination were incorporated, it would be excessively. Because of this private market bombing it is presently the government’s occupation to burden vehicles to mirror the genuine costs included. This at that point takes care of the expenses emerging from the wellbeing dangers presented by contamination. Natural duties come in various structures, yet as a general issue ecological duty gauges either force an assessment cost on some item or movement that is earth harming, or they give a tax cut to some item or action that is naturally useful (Macquarie University 2003). This is utilized corresponding to carbon outflows in the environment. It is utilized in the private vehicle showcase as there is an assessment forced to cover the ecological harm it makes. The world carbon dioxide discharges (estimated tons) are 3. 9 for each capita (Jackson, Mciver, Bajada 2007:211). On the off chance that the ecological duties were inferred it wouldn’t bring down the universes carbon based discharges however it would help forestall advertise disappointment. It will conceivably be an answer for showcase disappointment as there will be no overflow costs. Utilizing the vehicle for instance the administration will pay for the natural related duties or externalities then the private vender will have ideal yield just as harmony. Such a large number of financial experts investigators, circumstances including genuine externalities charges are the best system at â€Å"getting the costs right†(Lawrence Goulder 1995:157-183). As indicated by this â€Å"getting the costs right†hypothesis it is confirming that duties are successful so as to forestall showcase disappointment. Genuine externalities, for example, environmental change, assessments can be the best path for recovering the market to typical. In spite of the fact that managing cars there isn’t an approach to diminish the carbon discharges there is vitality productivity answers for other carbon gases givers. Productivity inside house hold machines can be controlled to diminish the ozone harming substances. It’s as basic as changing a light. Only one bulb can plug up to 100kg of ozone depleting substance getting into the climate every year (Dave Reay 2005:59) Environmental expenses are a compelling method to diminish advertise disappointment under the class of carbon based gases. The legislature charges reject the externalities in a business that has overflows in regards to nature. To lessen the air contamination anyway gatherings can utilize vitality effectiveness around there home to bring the general carbon dioxide emanations down. Government Regulation Government guideline is the power over passage and leave, costs, and financing with an industry (Magill’s Choice 1999:526). Guideline happens when the administration is persuaded that a market disappointment will happen and they control the legitimate viewpoint about the business and express the current results. Guideline happens in a wide range of business types, from retail through to ship. The administration can control the section and exit of a business depending on the off chance that they get the assent from the legislature to experience a venture. A model happened in china where firms where applying for credits to manufacture gas-fire power plants rather than ones that sudden spike in demand for coal. The organizations were contending it would improve the air quality (Economist 1990). The legislature was dithering on directing this idea however in light of losing significant credits. Government guideline is a major factor viewing ecological undertakings as firms need the government’s endorsement. This can help with decreasing business sector disappointment as the organizations have ecologically amicable items that don’t cause externalities. On the off chance that the administration supports of the business that it doesn’t cause natural harm then there will be no overflows, barring market disappointment. Squander removal methods in certain pieces of the world are controlled to restrain the waste winding up far and wide. As indicated by the European U
a peice of my heart essays
a peice of my heart expositions The other Vietnam Vets Everybody thinks about the men who served in Vietnam. They have at any rate known about the intellectually trying conditions during the war and the subsequent post horrendous pressure disorder (PTSD) such a large number of veterans experienced, or knew about the issues concerning negative general assessment of veterans for their job in a loathed war. Be that as it may, few know about the female job in the Vietnam War; ladies, different veterans, partook in these issues and issues alongside the weapon toting men. They were the medical caretakers, and in A Piece of My Heart by Keith Walker the accounts of numerous ladies are introduced to all the more likely see exactly how the Vietnam War influenced ladies. Working in places like clearing emergency clinics presented ladies to the unending progression of setbacks from the front line, and these encounters took major mental tolls upon the psyches of the ladies who needed to help them, particularly in their contempl ations for the estimation of human life. Ladies experienced different issues after getting back, for example, a similar PTSD and outlashes by hostile to war nonconformists. Ladies were veterans of Vietnam simply like the men, and they encountered a considerable lot of indistinguishable issues from a consequence of their job there. Ladies were presented to a tremendous measure of agony while in Vietnam. As veteran Rose Sandecki stated, [The Vietnam] War truly destroyed we all, the ladies just as the men (20). Medical caretakers in Vietnam were presented to a constant progression of losses from the field. The arrival of a Chinook with mass losses on board had gotten a standard to Christine Schneider, a medical attendant in Da Nang. For all intents and purposes each medical attendant story portrayed the emergency clinic scenes in Vietnam as occupied. Jill Mishkel clarified that she encountered at least at any rate one passing for every day. As Ms. Schneider portrayed, There was simply an excess of death (46). Ms. Schneider additionally referenced, Everyone was terrible (45); nurture just observed the awful in light of the fact that they were encircled by it, all day every day. Charlotte Mi... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Free Essays on Institutions
There is no uncertainty that the arrangement of practices related with â€Å"democracy†were first found in the West. The vast majority of these vote based countries, for example, the United States and Britain were sufficiently able to spread impact to eastern nations, for example, Japan and even China. There are, in any case, questions that emerge with respect to why these law based practices have been set up and even duplicated all through the world. The greatest inquiries managing this circumstance are, is a majority rules system such a great amount of better than other political and administrative arrangements on the planet, and assuming this is the case, why? To appraise the presentation of any political or legitimate organizations in the public arena, numerous components should initially be thought of. In a fruitful political and legitimate establishment, these elements are available. In a prosperous foundation, for example, the United States there is a plainly characterized white collar class. While in Brazil there is a rich class and a poor class, with no unmistakably named gathering of working class individuals. An absence of underground markets is a factor that advances political and legitimate achievement. In spite of the fact that the United States has bootleg trades, there are a low number of them, and they are not as various or hurtful to organizations or individuals as the illegal businesses in Brazil. In fruitful foundations, there is constantly a built up, reasonable legal framework. Here in the United States we have the court framework, and a moral police power, yet in nations, for example, Mexico, courts might be debased, an d police frequently attempt to coerce individuals and even organizations. Another factor that is found in these effective establishments is an agent government, and an open that has confidence in its legislature and its frameworks. These elements are found in the United States, however in numerous different nations, for example, Cuba, these frameworks are supplanted by a despot and an open that solitary shows a modest quantity of confidence and confidence in their legislature. In the strategically and lawfully fruitful United States, the economy is sound ... Free Essays on Institutions Free Essays on Institutions There is no uncertainty that the arrangement of practices related with â€Å"democracy†were first found in the West. The vast majority of these popularity based countries, for example, the United States and Britain were sufficiently able to spread impact to eastern nations, for example, Japan and even China. There are, in any case, questions that emerge with respect to why these equitable practices have been set up and even duplicated all through the world. The greatest inquiries managing this circumstance are, is a majority rules system such a great amount of better than other political and legislative arrangements on the planet, and provided that this is true, why? To gauge the exhibition of any political or legitimate organizations in the public eye, numerous variables should initially be thought of. In an effective political and legitimate organization, these variables are available. In a prosperous organization, for example, the United States there is an unmistakably characterized working class. While in Brazil there is a rich class and a poor class, with no plainly marked gathering of white collar class individuals. An absence of underground markets is a factor that advances political and legitimate achievement. Despite the fact that the United States has underground markets, there are a low number of them, and they are not as various or destructive to organizations or individuals as the illicit businesses in Brazil. In fruitful foundations, there is constantly a built up, reasonable legal framework. Here in the United States we have the court framework, and a moral police power, however in nations, for example, Mexico, courts might be deba sed, and police frequently attempt to blackmail individuals and even organizations. Another factor that is found in these fruitful establishments is an agent government, and an open that has confidence in its administration and its frameworks. These variables are found in the United States, however in numerous different nations, for example, Cuba, these frameworks are supplanted by a despot and an open that lone shows a modest quantity of confidence and confidence in their legislature. In the strategically and legitimately fruitful United States, the economy is sound ...
Oil Palm Industry In Indonesia Environmental Sciences Essay
Oil Palm Industry In Indonesia Environmental Sciences Essay Palm oil industry gives principle commitment for monetary improvement in Indonesia. The business is relied upon to have the option to build the pay of countless poor in country Indonesia. Anyway the expanding interest for palm oil will give motivation for Government of Indonesia to build national creation. In some created nations, oil palm is utilized as a substitute for trans fats, which is one of the exceptionally immersed vegetable fat semi-strong structure at room temperature. Palm oil is less expensive than other vegetable oils (World Growth, 2011). Palm oil from the oil palm (Elaeis guianensis) is being utilized for cooking and biodiesel, cleansers, beautifying agents, pharmaceuticals, modern and agro-compound items (USDA 2010). The developing interest of oil palm in worldwide market particularly on the planet exchange vegetables oil urges Indonesia to create oil palm manor areal. The improvement of oil palm estate will be string for some woods in Indonesia and causing deforestation and biodiversity (Manurung, 2001). Legislature of Indonesia set of certain strategies, for example, the assignment of huge land tracts to the development of palm ranches, decentralizing command over land-use authorizing to commonplace governments, and financing credit and foundation costs for smallholders to advanced fast extension of oil palm zone. The development which was finished by deforestation impactsly affected woods subordinate networks who depend on timberlands for a wide scope of good and administrations (Sheil et al, 2006, Belcher et al 2004). Oil palm likewise was scrutinized of upsetting human wellbeing, wrecking social legacy, annihilating biological system, and prompting the loss of self-rule and independence (Bro wn and Jacobson, 2005). All these may prompt social clashes which were recorded by NGOs (Sawit Watch, 2008). Conversely, the oil palm is viewed as one of the most envioronmentally cordial oil crops since oil palms are more beneficial than other oil crops and to deliver a similar measure of oil are required little zones than different harvests such soybeans or rapeseed (Arhem, 2011). There are numerous investigations about parts of oil palm ranch; contract cultivating, gracefully and request oil palm in worldwide market and ecological effect of oil palm. Agreement cultivating in oil palm has led by Susila (2004) and Syahza (2004). Susila (2004) indicated the oil palm has positive commitment to monetary development. This is shown by development of venture, yield, and outside trade acquiring. Around Rp. 5 Rp. 11 Milion or over 63% of family salary of smallholder in Kampar and Musi Banyuasin. Moreover, Oil palm has huge commitment to neediness easing (under 10% off destitute individuals in oil palm networks) and value improvement (gini coefficient around 3.6).However, Syahza (2004) indicated diverse between plasma ranchers pay and free ranchers. The distinctive is caused of value mutilation, expertise, significant expense creation and monopsonistic showcase. Rifin (2010) learned about oil palm Indonesia on the planet exchange. The outcome show palm oil items from In donesia and Malaysia are integral as opposed to contending. The expansion on the planet pay contrasted with Malaysia as reflected by higher pay versatility worth can give more profit to Indonesia. A few creators learn about natural effect of oil palm. Obidzinski et, all found the advancement of oil palm in West Papua (Manokwari), West Kalimantan (Kubu Raya), and Papua (Boven Digoel) has caused deforestation, water contamination, soil disintegration, and air contamination and the family unit study indicated critical monetary increases from oil ranches, anyway these were not accessible to all partner and were not disseminated equally. The other investigation Sawit Watch (2008) demonstrated effect of oil palm ranches on the earth in South East Asia is now very much reported. Indonesia is the third most noteworthy patron of CO2 discharges on the planet since flames used to clear the land and peat swamps are depleted to plant oil palms, discharging a huge number of tones of carbon dioxide. Manors are one of the fundamental drivers of deforestation in Indonesia, devastating the living space of jeopardized natural life, including the orangutan and the Sumatran tiger. The impractical development of Indonesias palm oil industry is leaving numerous indigenous networks without land, water or satisfactory vocations, demolished of conventional ensembles and culture and human rights. Review OF STUDY AREA : INDONESIA Indonesia is situated between 6â ° N-11â ° S and 95â ° E 141â ° E. It is between Hindia Sea and Pacific Sea, among Asia mainland and Australia landmass. Indonesia comprises a few islands, for example, Sumatera Island, Sulawesi Island, Java Island and Kalimantan Island (fig.1). Indonesia map.png Figure 1. Area of geology Indonesia, adjusted from wikipedia (,Access on 26 September 2012) Since 2008, Indonesia has been the most universes maker and exporter of palm oil. Aceh, Java, Sumatera and Kalimantan are maker of oil palm in Indonesia. Palm oil industry in Indonesia a fundamental rural industry and national economy.It is contributing 4.5% og GDP and utilizing over 3.0 million individuals (USDA, 2010). Oil Palm can develop well in the tropics andin the an elevation of 0-500 m above ocean level with a stickiness of 80-90%. Oil palm requires a steady atmosphere with precipitation, 2000-2500 mm a year, which is the region that isn't overflowed when it downpours and dry season when dry. Yearly precipitation designs impact conduct oil palm blossoming and oil palm organic product creation. The oil palm organic product are little. It is around 6-20 gr and lots of around 10 - 40 kg, which a bundle holds around 200-4000 organic products (Tengnas and Sveden 2002 in Arhem 2011). The organic product is orange-red in shading that contains a piece encased in a shell (endocarp) encompassed by mash (mesocarp) (fig2). Yusoff and Hansen (2007) partitioned palm oil into three phases : ranch, transportation to the plant and processing. C:UsersErnah TangimPicturesjambi oil palm harvest.jpg Figure 2. The organic product oil palm (in packs). Source : own image RESEARCH PROBLEM Different issues looked in the advancement of Indonesia palm oil from the mechanical, financial, social and ecological angles. Mechanical issues identified with the efficiency and worth included. Frail government approaches in the arrangement of motivating forces and the usage of the strategy itself will influence the expansion in esteem included and item advancement for the unequivocally structure of the palm oil industry. Financial issues identified with serious oil palm item in the worldwide market and assets get to. Basiccally, Palm oil has more competitivenes than the other vegetable oils. Oil palm is the most proficient plants that produce oil in the world.It is around 0.25-0.28ha for produce 1 ton CPO as crude material palm oil, in the interim soybean,sunflowers and rapeseed need 1.5-2ha for produce 1 ton oil seeds. Absence of access assets can be a danger to the reasonable advancement of oil palm home estate. To build the profitability, Oil palm ranch need a decent upkeep the board and bolstered by proficient utilization of information sources, particularly compost and reap treatment of new natural product packs. Oil World inside Bappenas 2008, indicated the profitability of oil palm around 18-20 ton FFB/ha/years (3,6-4 ton CPO/ha),meanwhile produktivity of soybean/seeds around 2-2,5 ton/ha/years (0,45-0,67). The rise of social issues in the areal of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹oil palm improvement is about proprietorship, land use and how to move their privileges. Vermoulen dan Goad (2006) indicated the principle limitation covers trouble ranchers to acquire capital since it can not fit the bill for the security relationship financing through a bank, an absence of specialized turn of events and market data. There is an issue about the vulnerability of land residency plasma estates that have been distributed by the legislature to networks of the town. There is no official archive that can be utilized as lawful reason for open possession. It is just by understanding between the townspeople and the organization that the organization will manufacture a palm oil ranch to the plasma of 20% of the absolute territory of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹HGU (Plantation grants to utilize state land (leasehold)). The people group of town need the lucidity of the status and area of their property since it significantly influences the estimation of the land. From the outset, will in general increment the cost of land, however progressively obscuring the assurance of status and time of handover of land/credit understanding makes the land costs will in general decay once more. The issues of natural in the oil palm is about deforestation, biodiversity and environmental change. Late occasions, the exchange work characteristic woodlands and peat lands add to the negative type of deforestation, land debasement peat, water asset corruption, and loss of biodiversity. Improvement palm oil is likewise professed to be incongruent with the spatial guideline, and there are coconut forests estates in zones with high protection esteem. Notwithstanding the issue, essentially has many oil palm ranch organizations while considering ecological perspectives in lead their business and become an individual from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) (Theo,2010). III. Hypothetical BACKGROUND This part manages writing survey to give the vital setting in the flow inquire about. This incorporates writing of hypothesis of natural perspectives. Ecological Aspects In monetary the earth is seen as a composite resource that gives an assortment of administrations, for example, furnishes the economy with crude materials and administrations legitimately to customers (Tietenberg, 2006). A component of an associations exercises, items or administrations that can collaborate with the earth called ecological perspectives. A natural perspective portrays the significant issues th
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Single Choice Early Action at Princeton
Single Choice Early Action at Princeton October 27 Applying Single Choice Early Action at Princeton has its advantages. But that doesnt mean Princeton admissions officers will tell you this We recently had a parent call us and she happened to mention that she is a loyal reader of our blog and has been for a couple of years. She told us that she appreciated our candor and our tell-it-like-it-is approach. And so because her daughter was applying to Princeton through its Single Choice Early Action policy, she decided to call Princeton to ask them whether applying Single Choice Early Action really gave students a benefit as compared to applying Regular Decision to the university. As a loyal reader of our blog, she knew well what weve been espousing for years and that isof course theres a benefit to applying Early! But when this mom called Princeton on two different occasions, she received a different answer to her question than what weve been saying for years. And that should absolutely be no surprise! If you check out our Ivy League Statistics Page a page that weve been adding statistics to for the past 11 years you can see for yourself the advantage of applying Early vs. Regular. These numbers are clearcut and straightforward! And by the way, in case youre ever wondering about where we get our statistics fromwe get them from our dear friends in admissions at these very schools. Including Princeton. But getting back to this mom, two different people at the Princeton admissions office told her that it was no easier to get into Princeton in the Single Choice Early Action round vs. the Regular Decision round. Uh huh. Their responses are indeed the exact opposite of what the numbers tell you. But this is to be expected and its exactly what weve been telling folks on our college admissions blog for years colleges lie. Yes, colleges lie. Even Princeton. And whats Princetons rationale for the discrepancy in the figures between the Single Choice Early Action round and the Regular Decision round if the two rounds are supposed to be created equal? The students who apply SCEA to Princeton are just more competitive, and thats why they get admitted at a higher rate. Our response to that?: Yeah right! Do you actually believe that an admissions officer at Princeton would say something along these lines?: The reason that those students who apply SCEA get accepted at a higher rate is because we know that if we admit them, theyre more likely to attend. They would never say such a thing. Its simply not in their interest to do so. And yet its the truth. Because Princeton like all highly selective colleges cares about their yield statistic. They just cant tell you that when you call them up over the phone. Its not a Princeton thing. Its an every highly selective college thing. Accept it. It is what it is.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Recent Essay Samples
Recent Essay SamplesThere are plenty of IELTS essays samples to select from. What you need to do is compare all the contents, information and process involved in each to understand what they are actually offering.The first and foremost thing to realize is that you are only taking up one written exam, which means that your writing skills need to be really good. You will not only be instructed but you will also be required to answer several questions pertaining to the essay writing.So when you come across these writing sample essays which are offered by most of the IELTS schools, take note of its composition. The IELTS teaching institutions are specifically looking out for those students who can write a well organized essay.By writing a short essay which is concise and which contains well-structured questions, they are encouraging students to do well on their exams. This is why most of the recent IELTS essay samples are organized in such a way, to guide students to their writing topics . It's not only for classroom studies but it's also for college entrance exams as well.These latest IELTS essays samples will teach you how to make your essay stand out from the others. When you have already done so, you should examine each essay sample for yourself and analyze the contents and your answers.When it comes to the comparison and evaluation, it's pretty important to go through the contents of your recent IELTS essay samples before selecting the best one. If you fail to do so, you may end up copying the content of an essay that you were assigned by some other student.Whenever you choose to have some recent IELTS essay samples to help you, always be prepared to answer a lot of questions. This way, you will know exactly what to focus on and what not to spend too much time on. You will also have a clear picture of your job.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The American Dream, Popular Fairy Tales, And My Children...
Every how to become a better writer book, article, class or seminar seem to always enforce the importance of reading, for reading is regarded as the writer’s daily bread. For it builds the reader’s understanding of others experiences. Not that other writers’ experience is more important than non-writers but simply put books, poems, paintings, articles or blogs are all artist statements that introduce an artist. Artists possess a language, which is all they own whether written, spoken, painting, drawing, sculpture, or singing. As a writer I want my artwork to have a critical view of social, political and cultural issues. In my work, I want to analyze and rethink the so-called American dream, popular fairy tales, and my children chosen nursery rhymes. I want to engage subjects as diverse as the civil rights movement, and classical music. As a writer I want to understand why Africa has no history. Why the Caribbean people are viewed as a people without a history. Often times these themes are merged into mundane domestic entities, with capricious matters, and embellished with beautiful text. The array of color in which they are wrapped in suggests perspectives as high as the mountain and moving farther and farther way as the stars get closer. The texts do not always provide clues to the content and ascending interpretations. I want to be unapologetically me in my writing. Willing to make mistakes to be knocked down and get back up with a smile and a story. I want to be antiShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream, Popular Fairy Tales, And My Children Chosen Nursery Rhymes859 Words  | 4 Pagesartist. Artists possess a language, which is all their own, whether written, spoken, painting, drawing, sculpture, or singing. As a writer, I want my artwork to have a critical view of social, political and cultural issues. In my work, I want to analyze and rethink the so-called American dream, popular fairy tales, and my children chosen nursery rhymes. I want to engage subjects as diverse as the civil rights movement, and classical music. As a writer I want to understand why Africa has no history
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Analysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell - 1772 Words
In the novel â€Å"1984†illustrated by George Orwell emphasizes a story of love, truth, and imaginations. The story was taken place in London but during the time they were always at war with Eurasia, Eastasia, and Oceania. There were two love birds in the story, which was Winston Smith and Julia, but were separated from each other, due to disobeying policies, being betrayed by the corrupt police, and always being watched by Big Brother. Big brother is nothing, but a piece of paper all over the place and watching each induvial stating â€Å"Big Brother is Watching you†. In other words, a dictator from the ruling party. There was no privacy while being at the party because there was a teleport or screen inside each party member room. However, Winston was approximately ten or fifteen years apart from Julia, and met while they were in the party. Winston was a hard worker, suffered all his life, and was a slave. Julia is a young beautiful woman, who believed love at first s ight, and enjoyed having sexual activities with different members, but Winston did not care as long they were together. Although, being in a relationship is it worth fighting for the love of each other if it comes to the point of separating from each other. Should there be justice for being betrayed and ruining someone life? Imagine if an individual in the community is being watched by a piece of paper, whether is at work, school, or any place in town. If Donald trump wins as the president of the United States, then heShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1205 Words  | 5 PagesThis phenomenon is evident in George Orwell’s novel, 1984 in which the protagonist, Winston possesses critical features of a rebel. The rebellious personality of Winston is first introduced to the reader through his thoughtcrime’s. This trait is also distinctly seen through the doubts he has towards the governing party. Finally, the characteristic of rebellion is also successfully shown through Winston’s desire for happiness. It is evident that through the novel 1984, Winston is a rebellious characterRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1220 Words  | 5 PagesIn the novel 1984, written by George Orwell, there is a place called Oceania where the government is Big Brother. The government, the Party, and the Thought Police are constantly oppressing the citizens of Oceania. Most of the people don t know that they are being oppressed, but the two main characters, Julia and Winston are able to realize this oppression and don t stand for it. Winston and Julia absolutely hate the Party, and are constant breaking the â€Å"rules†of the Party. Julia is self-centeredRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell965 Words  | 4 PagesIn the novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell, Winston wants to keep the humanity that so many people have lost. He sees everyone as robots controlled by the government that can no longer think for themselves, or remember any of the past before Big Brother came into power. Within the novel it seems as if people lose their humanity, but this poses the question what is humanity? Humanity can work both with and against the government, humans can be forced to believe the ideas of the government, and the powerRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1782 Words  | 8 PagesIn the novel 1984, by George Orwell, the government of Oceania is able to have supreme control over its population. The citizens of Oceania live in angst of the â€Å"Big Brother.†This instills a great amount of fear in the citizens who believe they must fulfill the government s expectations. The government not only invaded the person privacy of the Oceanic citizens, but they took away their basic human rights. By stiripping its citizens of their rights, like freedom of speech, The Party is able toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1326 Words  | 6 PagesHow do you classify an individual’s freedom? Freedom can be defined as the power or right to act, speak and think without any restrictions and disciplines. George Orwell’s novel 1984, is about a dystopian society in which citizens don’t have any privacy and they are under constant surveillance by the Party. The setting of the novel describes the suppress of individuality and freedom in the society. However, Orwell’s definition of freedom is that people need to be given what they need and know theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1602 Words  | 7 Pagesupside-down society that is Nazi-Germany? While no other time period comes close, the novel we have been reading in class deals vigorously with dystopian society. 1984, by George Orwell, is a dystopian, fiction-based book that features a main character named Winston Smith, a girl named Julia, and many others who come together to make for a very intense storyline and an intriguing read. It takes place in Oceania, in 1984, while it was written in 1948. With a sense of science fiction, it’s set in near-futureRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1844 Words  | 8 Pages1984 Book Report The novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell is a highly praised and influential work in the dystopian genre. Since its release in 1949, its themes have been admired by many, and its world an alarming insight into a seemingly foreign, but very possible situation. The story is set in London, in the fictional superstate of Oceania, and more specifically â€Å"Airstrip one†, (formerly the British Isles). The main character, Winston Smith, is a member of the Outer Party, which makes up half of theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell951 Words  | 4 PagesThe novel, 1984, composed by George Orwell, presents a frightening picture, where one government has complete control of the general population. The story takes place in London, England. The government that is made in the novel is controlled by Big Brother. In 1984, the protagonist, Winston, really despises the totalitarian government, that tries to control all aspects of his life. So many freedoms that we all need to live a happy and healthy life are being stripped away from the citizens of OceaniaRead MoreAnalysis Of The Novel 1984 By George Orwell1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe novel â€Å"1984†by George Orwell explores the meaning of humanity and the tact ics that a totalitarian government may use to strip humanity from the people in order to maintain power. The main character Winston strives to preserve his humanity throughout the novel in his ability to think freely. The government tries to control its constituent’s thoughts, through tactics of propaganda, regulation, telescreen monitors, the thought police, and five ministries. These tactics are to control the constituentRead MoreCommentary Analysis of George Orwell ´s Novel: 1984897 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1984 by George Orwell, the author depicts the perfect totalitarian society, a society that has absolute control over everything pertaining to its people. The title of the novel, 1984, was meant to indicate to its readers in 1949 that the story represented a real possibility for the immediate future. If totalitarianism was not fought against, there was an actual risk that a similar civilization could come about. By demonstrating what a tyrannical society would be like, Orwell showed the control
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Puzzle Of Motivation By Dan Pink - 847 Words
While watching â€Å"The Puzzle of Motivation†by Dan Pink, I was very intrigued. Throughout the entire talk, there were several interesting points that were made. It really interested me when Pink talked about the group that was rewarded. Pink stated that if the contestants were in the top 25% of the fastest times, they would be rewarded five dollars. With this incentive, most would hope to do well, if not better than the person that would not be rewarded. Pink then goes on to point out the results. How much faster did the group that was offered a reward actually do? On average, it took them three and a half minutes longer. This really stood out to me because when offered a reward for a task, normally a person would be more motivated and thus do better. What amazed me even more was that this isn’t just a one time thing. This is has been replicated over and over for nearly 40 years. As Pink says around 04:33, â€Å"These contingent motivators -- if you do this, then yo u get that -- work in some circumstances. But for a lot of tasks, they actually either don t work or, often, they do harm.†These rewards that are being offered are being used to attempt to sharpen thinking and accelerate creativity, but instead it’s proving to do the opposite. It’s proving to dull thinking and block creativity. I am motivated by the feeling I get when I have disappointed someone or most importantly myself. When I do something incorrectly, it gives me the motivation to do better. I don’t ever want toShow MoreRelatedI love Lucy: Lucy Ball1481 Words  | 6 Pagesyou’ve never failed, you’ve never lived.†(â€Å"If youve never failed, youve never lived†-video) This video and short statement entails that life is about taking risks and learning from one’s mistakes. Without life’s mistakes, people wouldn’t have the motivation to become better. Failure is a part of life. Failure allows the term, â€Å"When you fall, you get back up†come into play, allowing individuals to realize that it is a natural part of life to lose at something; one must simply get back up and try harderRead MoreHistorian as curandera Essay4547 Words  | 19 Pageshtml 12. Brenà © Brown , The power of vulnerability taken from 13. Simon Sinek released the book Start With Why taken from 14. Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation 15. Jonathan Haidt: Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence 16. Fromm,E The forgotten langage , http://www.scribd.Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesIntroduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 FoundationsRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 PagesObservation Room Research and the development of neo-modernist organization theory Why the Hawthorne Studies were so important How neo-modernist organization theory challenges understandings of the relationship between organizations and society A puzzle – is it is better to ‘belong’ or to be an ‘individual’? Longing to belong: too much commitment A reminder – the human relations approach is not the only neo-modernist story in town How neo-modernist organization theory challenges understandings ofRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesgreat control over organizational activities and helps ensure that the organization is pursuing its strategy, but it makes it difï ¬ cult for the people who are closest to problems and issues to respond to them in a timely manner. It also can lower the motivation of middle and ï ¬ rst-line managers and make them less ï ¬â€šexible and adaptable because they become reluctant to make decisions on their own, even when doing so is necessary. They get used to passing the buck. As we saw in Chapter 1, the pendulum is now
A New Charter School Area - 1390 Words
As a new charter school located in a vibrant neighborhood in Wilmington, our school has worked directly with neighbors, community groups, local nonprofit organizations and local elected and government leaders to establish a good relationship and prepare the way for our students and families to benefit from our neighborhood and location. The Brandywine neighborhood where our school is located is in the center of downtown Wilmington, easily accessible to many local businesses and government agencies, and area neighborhoods, by foot and by public transportation. We have worked extensively with local community groups, agencies and organizations to ensure that the relationship between our school and the community is mutually beneficial. When†¦show more content†¦We will begin the 21st C CLC with several formal partnerships with high quality local community businesses and nonprofit organizations, including Robots and Mentors, LLC., Junior Achievement of Delaware, The Summer Colla borative, FRONTIER 21 Education Solutions, The Delaware Contemporary museum, and FLYOGI, LLC. Each of the partners will provide at least one member of their organization to sit on our Advisory Board, along with parents, students, teachers and administrators of Freire CS Wilmington. All of those partners, along with school staff, parents and students, have helped to create this vision for our 21st C CLC program, and will continue to guide the program as it grows and adds more partners and resources. The partners will meet at least quarterly each year of the program to set policy and review staffing and personnel issues, led by the Program Director. The terms of each partnership agreement are identified in detail, along with the costs associated and elements of the program provided by each, in the signed MOUs attached to this grant application. As new partners join the program, their MOUs will be submitted to the DE DoE as addenda to this application. Partner contributions and connections to community members and organizations will be evaluated in quarterly meetingsShow MoreRelatedCharter Schools Vs. School Schools1261 Words  | 6 Pagesthe charters providing an avenue of escape for some, it hasn’t been for the majority,†(Zernike 4). In some cities charter schools are educating more that half the students in some American cities (Zernike 1). These charter schools make promises to parents and students that are hard to pass up in many cities, where public education is lacking and private education is out of reach for many. Charter schools exist all across America, in forty-two states and Washington D.C.(Oliver). These charter schoolsRead MoreTechnical Efficiency Of Charter School1734 Words  | 7 Pageswhen output is maximized given fixed levels of input. For a school to achieve technical efficiency, the school would have to provide students the best education possible given the fixed levels of labor and capital . A start-up charter school, with no permanent facility, would have to maximize the test scores of their students with the space being used. Also, a charter school must increaseased. If a charter e output when input is incr school moves to a larger facility or hires more teachers, the levelRead MoreEssay on Arne Duncans Continuing Failure of Renaissance 2010905 Words  | 4 PagesEducation in Washington and was the biggest architect of the Renaissance 2010 movement within the Chicago Public Schools. He has been an effective leader for the charter school movement, or â€Å"turn around†schools as they begin to shape the education systems of underprivileged cities in the rest of the United States of America. There are many people who are in favor of the charter schools coming up through the education system, but there are others who are seeing the negative impact on their familiesRead MoreCharter Schools Are Better Than Public Schools885 Words  | 4 PagesCHARTER SCHOOLS ARE BETTER THAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS? Education is a very important part of a person’s life. Every parent want the best thing for their children. They want their children to be happy and to be able to achieve their dreams and be what they want to be, which is why they want the best education for their children. Because, almost everyone would agree that being well – educated is the closest way to success life and good future. But, their desire to send their kids to the best school haveRead MoreEssay on Charter Schools987 Words  | 4 Pagesdebate on school reform in the United States. The charter school model was an idea for educational reconstruction. These charter schools insured the continuing improvement of schooling (Budde, 1989). In 1991, Minnesota was the first state to pass legislation to create a charter school. In 1992, Minnesota opened the doors of the first charter school in the United States (â€Å"Resources,†2012). Since then, Charter schools have gained wide spread acceptance acros s the United States. Charter schools are independentRead MoreAn Inside Look at Charter Schools Essay1424 Words  | 6 PagesCharter Schools Charter schools have recently become a topic of debate among educators. Charter schools are schools working in the public sector of education while also being privately owned. Charter schools are privately run, but receive public funding. There has been much debate since the sprouting of Charter schools about the demographics being represented and underrepresented. While there is evidence to support both sides of this argument, it should be clear to anyone after doing the researchRead More Public Education Essay1454 Words  | 6 Pagespublic schools are still failing to provide students with a quality education. This is disheartening as we learn that the United States lags behind in math and science compared to our international counterparts. It is safe to say that educational reform has spent billions of dollars over the years in an honest effort to reform education in American; however, most reform decisions have produced little changes. Among the many radical education reform strategies implemented, charter schools are perhapsRead More Government-Funded Independent Schools Essays1729 Words  | 7 PagesAn analysis of charter schools – government-funded independent schools that offer either a special theme or are required to meet a particular performance indicator (Davies Guppy, 2006) – as an alternative to mainstream public education reveals that charter schools should be notnot be supported for several reasons. First, in terms of academic performance, there is little evidence that charter school students fare better than public school students (Murphy, 2003). Second, as new providers of educationRead MoreCharter School Analysis Essay1703 Words  | 7 PagesSince the first charter school opened in Minnesota in 1992 (Minnesota Dept. of Education Website), America has seen charter schools move from a fringe educational alternative to an accepted and useful tool in public education. It is clear th at charter schools are continuing to grow in popularity and student population, even with conflicting evidence about their effectiveness. This review will evaluate the necessity for strong educational leadership, a clear educational charter with a defined visionRead MoreCharter Schools vs. Public Schools Essay1341 Words  | 6 PagesCharter Schools vs. Public Schools Are charter schools the right choice to the educational needs of our children? Charter schools are tuition free public schools created and operated by parents, organizations, and community groups to fill student’s educational needs. Charter schools consider educating their students as the priority, and identify how children’s learning needs are different from each other, so they came up with different ways on educating their students such as learning in small groups
Strategic Human Resource Management Subsidiary in Australia - Free Sa
Question: Describe about the Strategic Human Resource Management for Subsidiary in Australia. Answer: Introduction The case study is related to the problems faced by Chumhum at their subsidiary in Australia. The organizational culture of the company is very updated. It contains excellent innovative features that will help the employees of the company motivated. However, the people in Australia are not finding any interest in the organizational culture followed in the company. There are problems faced by the company in terms of employee retention and benefits. The analysis of the case study describes about different sets of problems faced by the company in its Australian operations. Recommendations are also provided to the company in terms of retention of employees. 1. Chumhum is a company that is expanding its branches through many countries of the world. However, in its Australian subsidiary, the problem of organizational culture mainly prevalent in office. The company is focusing on implementation of different innovative features of organizational culture. The problems that are faced by companies are categorized into different sectors such as training, staffing and recruitment, organizational culture, retention, employee benefits, etc. the corporate culture of Chumhum is very enthusiastic to keep employees of their Australian branch motivated. However, the initiatives taken by the company becomes futile (Malik Naeem 2013). The company has taken the initiative in the application of innovative features such as gym, free lunch, organic breakfasts, nap pods, swimming pool, etc. Apart from this, the company has also started its own social networking site to increase communication among the employees of the corporate people. Australian employees d o not accept the analytical activities that are initiated by the company. They feel frustrated about the different features of employee management. For instance, Yammer is a social new social networking site that is developed by the company for engagement of employees not only in Australia but also in other branches present in other countries of the world. The management of the company has faced that the employees are not taking any initiative to use the new social media application. It occurs to the changed mindset of Australian employees. The culture and the initiatives that are proven to provide best motivational factors for employees are not fruitful in the country (Gimenez-Espin et al. 2013). The analytical activities are not encouraging the employees to perform better in the organization. Behavioral scientists are appointed by Chumhum to determine the behavioral attributes of the Australian employees in the branch. The analytical team is also not able to cooperate with the Aus tralian employees for the increase in the productivity. They received complaints and formal emails and letters regarding the negative impacts of the team. The theories of organizational culture, training and development, change management, motivation, etc. are related to the problems faced by Chumhum in Australia. Denison, Chatman, OReilly and Cadwell have developed a model of organizational culture. It is known as organizational culture profile (OCP). It is a self-reporting tool that helps in making distinction through its eight categories such as team orientation, outcome orientation, supportiveness, innovation, attention to detail, aggressiveness, stability and respect for people. The OCP model is used in measuring the effect of organizational culture on organizational performance (OReilly et al. 2014). It also measures the popular and most efficient people who are responsible for most of the productivity of the company. Using this model of organizational culture, Chumhum will be able to suit the culture of the organization according t o the nature of the employees. However, in many cases, the values of the employees are calculated against the values organization in order to predict the turnover and the staying intention. An instrument is used for doing this measurement which is similar to the tool of OCP (Shields et al. 2015). The theory of training and development is required in this perspective because the employees are not used to the organizational culture of the company. There are many processes of providing training and development. Learning is a part of providing training to employees. Prior to providing training, employees should be allowed to learn new things and useful information about the organizational culture, ethics, rules, regulations, etc. One of the theories of training is cognitive learning (Alvesson 2012). Cognitive learning process includes individuals to learn and gather information by internalizing the facts and knowledge regarding the topic. The term cognition is related to internal attributes of a person such as mental abstractions. In this way, the learners will be able to utilize their internal capabilities in their field of work. Apart from these theories, Hertzbergs two-factor theory of motivation is related to the problems faced by Chumhum in their business operations in Australian branch. Frederick Herzberg in his theory has emphasized on the satisfaction of the employees of an enterprise. The two factors describe the causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the workers in the corporation. The theory of Herzberg labelled the factors that are associated with the causes of job dissatisfaction of the employees. The hygiene factors determine the factors of indicating the analogy of preventive maintenance (Herzberg 2013). The factor that determines the job satisfaction of the employees of Chumhum in the Australian subsidiary is motivation. It will suggest the effectiveness of the workers in portraying the behavior of individuals in the workplace. The theory of Hertzberg is related to the theory of Maslows theory of motivation. The above theories of human resource management explain about the problems faced by the company. Motivation is a part of employee development. However, the Australian employees somehow do not match with the culture followed by Chumhum. It is found that the employees remains frustrated and are not focused on the work. The systems, policies of the workplace do not match the expectation level of the workers (Ahammad et al. 2016). It is assumed that the employees may want something different that is not emphasized by the strategic management department of the company. The implication of the theory in the organizational level will help the company to detect the core problems in terms of employee relations and formulate policies according to them. Chumhum after implication of the theoretical frameworks may have better-working environment for the Australian employees (Bode et al. 2015). 2. It is seen that the Australian employees are not satisfied with the initiatives taken by the company on behalf of the employees. Despite having an innovative culture in Chumhum Australian subsidiary, the company is witnessing many issues of human resource development. The issues are related to employee retention, employee relations, policies, organizational culture, etc. The most vital aspect of the company is that employees are resigning at a first pace. Somehow the employees are dissatisfied with the organizational culture. To solve these issues, the company has to follow some steps that are described below (Dau-Schmidt et al. 2016). The first and foremost thing that the senior management and the human resource department have to do is maintaining a clear and precise communication between the employees. It is the responsibility of the company to formulate policies on behalf of the employees. For doing this, the consent of the workers is very necessary. The team leaders of variou s departments have to communicate with their team members regarding their consent regarding various aspects of company policies and initiatives (Tangthong et al. 2014). On doing this, the senior managers along with the human resource managers will be able to deal with the problems faced by the workers. Apart from that, the policies and the innovative initiatives will also be changed as per the nature and preferences of the employees. There are many other responsibilities of human resource department of Chumhum have to perform to keep the employees retained within the company. In the Australian subsidiary, the employees are not satisfied with the HR policies of the company. The plans of employee benefits and employee relations are not encouraging the employees to work in the company. The training modules are also not helping the employees in encouraging motivation among themselves. The training modules should be formulated according to the feedback provided by the employees (Choo 2013). Apart from that, the HR managers must focus on the employee retention plans to attract the employees for staying back in the company. They have to change their employee benefits to keep them motivated in their work field. Both non-monetary and monetary benefits and motivational approaches are introduced in the respective departments of the company (Shields et al. 2015). The team leaders have to understand the mindset of its members and delegate the tasks accordingly. Employee recognition and internal awards are to be introduced for keeping the employees motivated in their field of work. The HR managers have to perform many psychometric tests for the employees to know about the behavior and nature of the workers (Ko Hur 2014). Conclusion The study contains the case study analysis of the Chumhum Australia. The company is facing serious issues in terms of employee retention and employee benefits, and other policies of human resource department. The problems are discussed in a detailed manner in the study. Apart from that, theoretical models of various aspects of human resources are explained with respect to the problems faced by Chumhum in the Australian subsidiary. The employees are irritated with all the initiatives of Chumhum for employee motivation. Solutions or recommendations are also provided to the human resource department and strategic management department to solve the major issues of employee retention. References Ahammad, M.F., Tarba, S.Y., Liu, Y. Glaister, K.W., 2016. Knowledge transfer and cross-border acquisition performance: The impact of cultural distance and employee retention.International Business Review,25(1), pp.66-75. Alvesson, M., 2012.Understanding organizational culture. Sage. Bode, C., Singh, J. Rogan, M., 2015. Corporate social initiatives and employee retention.Organization Science,26(6), pp.1702-1720. Choo, C.W., 2013. Information culture and organizational effectiveness.International Journal of Information Management,33(5), pp.775-779. Dau-Schmidt, K.G., Finkin, M. Covington, R., 2016.Legal protection for the individual employee. West Academic. Gimenez-Espin, J.A., Jimnez-Jimnez, D. Martnez-Costa, M., 2013. Organizational culture for total quality management.Total Quality Management Business Excellence,24(5-6), pp.678-692. Herzberg, F.S., 2013. Universal algebra for general aggregation theory: Many-valued propositional-attitude aggregators as MV-homomorphisms.Journal of Logic and Computation, p.9. Ko, J. Hur, S., 2014. The impacts of employee benefits, procedural justice, and managerial trustworthiness on work attitudes: Integrated understanding based on social exchange theory.Public Administration Review,74(2), pp.176-187. Malik, M.E. Naeem, B., 2013. Towards understanding controversy on Herzberg theory of motivation.World Applied Sciences Journal,24(8), pp.1031-1036. OReilly, C.A., Caldwell, D.F., Chatman, J.A. Doerr, B., 2014. The Promise and Problems of Organizational Culture CEO Personality, Culture, and Firm Performance.Group Organization Management,39(6), pp.595-625. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., Johns, R., Robinson, J., O'Leary, P. Plimmer, G., 2015.Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Tangthong, S., Trimetsoontorn, J. Rojniruntikul, N., 2014. HRM Practices and Employee Retention in Thailand--A Literature Review.International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance,5(2), p.162.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Dementia Guide For The Australian Retirement Village Industry
Question: Discuss about the Dementia Guide For The Australian Retirement Village Industry. Answer: DEMENTIA-If you could change the world for the better Caring for people with dementia is totally different from the type of the care provided to an elderly person (Amies, 2008). Although it is possible for many people with dementia to stay in their own home with a proper home support, some initiatives from the community can really make difference in their ways of living. In order to make this world a sustainable place for the people suffering from dementia, many policies have been undertaken. The National frame work for the Action on dementia (2015- 2019), was being released with the joint venture of the health ministers of Australia. The different priorities of action were the increasing awareness and reduction of the risks, development of the dementia friendly communities, support and resources of the community programs for promoting social engagement. Other areas of priorities of care were the appropriate and the consistent use of the diagnostic tools for the assessment, provision of training to the dementia patients (National Framew ork for Action on Dementia 201 5 - 201 9, 2018). Other strategy includes 'The National Dementia Strategy that enables the dementia patients to live in extra care housing facilities. Another initiative is the construction of retirement village for the dementia affected people, which are similar to some residential care units. The retirement villages provide shelter to population of retired persons in lieu of some costs. The average age of entry is 74 years (Dementia Guide For The Australian Retirement Village Industry 2018). Definitely these retirement villages are well designed as per the retired life yet the industry is still not aware of much knowledge of dementia. One of the better places of care for the dementia patients can be a retirement village that would be exclusively made for the people having dementia. The staffs and the organizational policies should be able to support a healthy ageing approach. Being physically and socially active, eating a proper diet, interaction wit h the peers can really reduce the risk of dementia. The staffs should be sensitive and should try out a consultative approach in order to eradicate the perceived stigma for the residents. There should be ambulatory care facilities. The designing of the room and the premises should be dementia friendly and should be safe. Depression in dementia patients Dementia is associated with a more than one clinical comorbities, of which depression is the one that goes under diagnosed in many of the cases with dementia and the adverse effects of dementia in patients not only increase the burden over the caregivers and the family but also results in declination of the cognitive and functional status (Scrutton Brancati, 2016). It is one of the most common types of clinical manifestation showed by the patients with dementia. The intensity of dementia depends upon the type of dementia the person had been suffering from. A person having dementia can be offered with a range of treatments such as antidepressants, self talk and other complementary therapies (Kessing, 2012). Talking therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapies, interpersonal therapies and counseling, reminiscence therapies, animal assisted therapies, multisensory stimulations can be used to reduce the anxiety and depression in patients with dementia (Scrutton Brancati, 2016). Acc ording to Kessing, (2012) talking treatment and strength based approach towards the dementia patients can be effective against moderate depressions. According to researches dementia is caused by lower levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. Acute clinical depression due to dementia can be treated by antidepressants such as SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) and SNRI (Serotonin nor-adrenaline reuptake inhibitor). New drugs such as venlafaxine and cholineresterase inhibitors can be more effective than the older medications as older ones can cause side effects in patients suffering from one or more clinical comorbidities (Kessing, 2012). Depression can be prevented by good nutrition, routined physical activities, participation in active social life and engaging constructive activities. Physical activities have been found to be associated with the mental well being of the patients as it helps to create opportunities for mitigating the feeling isolation. Proper medications, love and care by the caregivers or the family members can improve the quality of life of the dementia patients (Kessing, 2012). References Kessing, L. V. (2012). Depression and the risk for dementia. Current opinion in psychiatry, 25(6), 457-461. Scrutton, J., Brancati, C. U. (2016). Dementia and comorbidities. Ensuring Parity of Care, The International Longevity Centre, London.[Google Scholar]. Dementia Guide For The Australian Retirement Village Industry. (2018). Retrieved from Mitchell, L. (2012). Breaking new ground: the quest for dementia friendly communities. London: Housing Learning Improvement Network. National Framework for Action on Dementia 201 5 - 201 9. (2018). Retrieved from
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Beano free essay sample
The cates have a distinctive layout ,,d style which is achieved through a combination of contempo? ry design and warm colors that give them a pleasant atmosphere. e cafes environment is characterized by simplicity, elegance, : eanliness, and a modern design. It is known as a place where ung people can gather and where people can enjoy an afford::0 e outing, listen to the latest musie, and use wireless Internet. Cafe, and from other smali, local cafes. Despite these concerns in 2000, Beanos opened its first cafe in Egypt, introducing new coffee products such as cappuccino and espresso to the Arabie market. Beanos wanted to increase its market share and target a new segment-senior citizens-along wit h maintaining and/or increasing its appeal to the youth segment, which represents the majority of its customers. The senior citizens represented the higher socio-economic class; however, Beanos discovered that young clients represented up to 70 percent of their daily clients. We will write a custom essay sample on Beano? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Beanos Cafes higher management wanted to retain its satisfied clients while also increasing its share of the customer base. They therefore put together a new marketing strategy. REVISING THE MARKETING STRATEGY EY MARKET e creators of the Beanos Cafe Group had wanted to open a -ew coffee shop in Egypt for a long time but they saw problems .. ,entering the Egyptian market. They believed that the Egyptian oopulation would not be keen on coffee made from unfamiliar, -ew ingredients. The Egyptian market was locally driven toward ::Jr ental cates, Turkish coffee, and shisha (water pipe); thus, 3eanos marketing strategy was to introduce the Egyptian consurner to a new cafe experience. There was also fierce competi: on from other coffee shops, including Cilantro Cafe and Costa Beanos Cafes management team knew through customer surveys carried out in their chains that 60 percent of their customers keep coming back because of staff friendliness, 20 percent because of the quality of the service, and 20 percent because of the overall atmosphere at Beanos Cafe. The cafss new marketing strategy was divided into three parts: The first was 13 percent value (offering more for the same price). he second part was 17 percent quality (offering an affordable, quality cate experience, and improving the taste of the coffee), and the final part was 67 percent service (improving the face-to-face interaction with customers inside the cafe). Beanos placed the greatest emphasis on improving the level of customer service in its cafes. The company did this in a number of ways. First, management decided to speed up the serving process by allocating one minute for taking orders, seven minu tes to make the order, and a final one minute 244 Part Three I Designing a Customer-Driven Strategy and Mix modern cates were established in the Egyptian market; the focus was more on the local kahwa (Turkish/Arabic coffee), tea, and shisha. Beanos Cafe positioned itself as an affordable, modern cafe with a lively, entertaining environment. Beanos Cafes targeting approach became youth oriented. The cafe was representing a new approach to coffee, selling cappuccino and java solo drinks like espresso. Thus, the segmentation approach started to focus more on the youth differentiated segmentation market approach. As mentioned, the use of a kitchen provided the company with differentiation over the competition, however, Beanos also has a new advantage: It offers a creative art foam that is placed on top of the cappuccino. The consumers name or birth date can be written on a cappuccino cup or any picture can be drawn with the because the mafoam. Consumers can even do it themselves chines are manually operated. This level of personalization, allowed Beanos to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering its customers what they want and exceeding their expectations. By satisfying customers desires, Beanos sawa growth of the company and an increase in sales of its coffee products. III to give the table the bill. Therefore, the whole process took a very fast nine minutes. Beanos also improved its communication with customers by greeting them and paying attention to their needs. Beanos has an ultimate advantage that none of its competitors have-the kitchen. Having a kitchen allows Beanos to offer a larger menu selection. Customers can also ask for items not included in the menu or can modify their chosen item. These options are not available in most cates in the region and impress consumers. Having the advantage of a kitchen allowed Beanos to discontinue using ready-made food and instead making every meal to order, thereby differentiating itself from its closest competitor, Cilantro Cafe. This enabled customers to modify their orders. It also permitted customers to create new, customized products. Beanos is now able to forecast real quantities and therefore store essential, everyday ingredients, getting rid of unnecessary stock of less in demand products. This method turned out to be very efficient in their storage management. Becausecustomer service is such a high priority in the companys new marketing strategy, the marketing department conducted a new survey designed to improve customer service. It was executed through the cafes branch managers and administrated by a smali team from the research department. One of the most effective questions concerned what customers liked and disliked about Beanos Cafe. The survey revealed that customers liked the cafes service, atmosphere, and quick response; they did not like the company allowing some private celebrations to be held, nor did they always like the type of musie played in the cafes or the furniture. Beanos bega n to consider how to react to ali of these reported dislikes from its consumers, especially as the competition was rising with both Cilantro Cate and Costa Cafe, In addition, other new cates, such as On The Run Cafe in the Mobil Petroi Station, were improving their quality and pricing to an affordable level. Despite making these advances, Beanos had weaknesses to overcome. The cafes were not located in the main, central business streets in Egypt. These untapped areas of business opportunities prevented the company from increasing its market share. Cilantro, a competing cafe, employed successful promotional tools to spread its brand image in Egypt, including high-profile commercials. Beanos could not match the level of advertising in terms of budget and instead focused more on customer relationship management (CRM) and relationship marketing (RM) To this end, Beanos introduced a customer loyalty and smart card program that enabled customers to collect points for each separate order. The customer could then redeem the points and receive free products. Beanos also targeted ali customer segments by introducing a promotional Beanos points card. Customers pay for the cards, starting at 50 to 200 LE and use them whenever they wish. The cards turned out to be very effective for customers who are entertaining friends and for family outings. Another area that Beanos needs to improve upon involves making the cate more family friendly-an area where Cilantro is excelling. Cilantro Cafe provides coloring books and crayons for children, encouraging families to spend more time in the cafes and thus increasing business from this particular market segment. OELlVERING ON CUSTOMER SERVICE As customer service featured 50 prominantly in their marketing strategy, Beanos had to ensure that once a high level of service was achieved it was also maintained. One strategy put in place aimed at achieving this was mystery shoppers, who visited different branches to monitor and evaluate the service they receive ano the quality of the cafes products. Among other things, they note how fast and responsive the staff members are and whether the deliver on time. The mystery shopper, a regular customer chose by the branch manager, also evaluates the quality of the coffee served, the food, the environment, the speed and care of sta and the cleanliness of the facility, including the bathrooms. RESPONOING TO THE CUSTOMER As previously mentioned, market research carried out by the company indicated that customers did not like waiting in some of the Beanos Cafe chains and did not like its prices. Its response to the problems was to put more tables in the crowded location: and to reduce prices for some popular, existing products, wh E increasing prices for newly introduced products. Customers ais disliked the musie, which did not change over the course o~ the day, and at the various locations, some said the cafcs playec the same musie for each branch in every vi sit. Manaqemec: responded by introducing new musie every couple of hours in Ci chains. To improve the brand image of Beanos, the company also OEcided to redesign the cafes logo, making it more attractive to c 5tomers. More money is also being spent on advertising for ne and existing products. Most of the advertising appears in prin ec materials to be displayed in cate branches to motivate COnSUrTE purchase of the newly launched products. BEANOS CAFES MARKETING MIX SEGMENTATION In the beginning, Beanos Cafe focused on appealing to the whole Egyptian market, especially young people. The first focus for the company was to create brand awareness, as people did not understand the word Beanos. So,the cafe owners added the word cafealittle modification that solved the issue. At that time, not a lot of Beanos Cafes marketing mix begins by developing new produ _ by studying consumers needs, and then developing and crea ~~ a strong brand. Beanos Cafes distinctive design and pleasan c-mosphere are the first components in its unique dining experien ~ Market research indicates that the brands most distinguishing E::ture is the companys use of the vibrant orange color for all ad Etising. The company also stands out because it is the only local cc== Chapter 7 I Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers Smart pricing, reviewed from a consumer perspective . Updated produet lists wit h new menu offerings. 245 :~ers desserts, which are prepared by La Poire. According to 3es market research, 21 percent of customers indicated that =-:e-: was the most prominent feature of the cafe. :==1105is putting great efforts in establishing new branches : :cpping newareas, bot h local and international. The new 10=Eas are Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada El Gouna Resorts, and, =~ationally, Paris, France. e company advertises its existing products, but in only a few =:=5: FM radio, on the October Industria I City bridge, and in 2;azines. For the Cafes new products, it relies only on banners nt of the chain. The focus of Beanos Cafes advertising and _+otion is primarily on the youth segment (ages 18 to 25). The -:-::gt;any is collaborating with the advertising agency Adhoc, ::n is spearheading the marketing campaign. The agency has 3~ed out market esearch and has also designed and imple-=-~ed promotions. The company also collaborates with White ::_0 o, a full-service design studio that offers creative, profes_-al graphic designs and development services in order to deliver = oest image of the brand to customers. White Studio designed -= companys brochures, logos, ads, and flyers. -or its principal advertising campaign, Beanos used Nugoom , 104. 2 FM), and Nile FM (100. 6 FM), presenting cr eative ads a: would catch listeners attention because of their humor, :-unds, and clever use of musie. The company made extensive use ::-= orint media resources, including magazines (Teen Stuff, Sayyedaty, =oer alnugum, Laha) and newspapers (Alahram, Alahbar, Almasr :: oum, Almussauar). Ali were very effective media in building . set and usage imagery. Beanos created its advertising in a simple . ay by featuring its logo and photos of its cafes to build brand s. vareness and invite ali potential customers in for a visit. The -::Uthful, non-intrusive ads generated a positive response from the :cget audience and collectively helped to expand the cafes brand age in the market. The ads also give customers an opportunity :0 receive unique offers, making them memorable and meaningz: . II. Each month, the cafe introduces a new special offer; for example, in December 2009, it offered a special on American coffee  ·. th chocolate fudge, and at the beginning of 2010, caramel 1acchiato with a muffin. Those offers are the unique invention of 3eanos Cafe and are not offered in other cafes in Egypt. The ofer of the month is always supported with printed brochures, oosters. nd other ads that allow customers to get familiar with tne latest promotions. .z; Better hiring and training programs to ensure a capable staff who deliver more than what is expected. Better quality coffee: People are happy to go to Beanos but respond negatively to the quality of coffee. By offering better coffee, the company will be able to compete wit h the 10cal, classie Arabicffurkish coffee shops. By offering new, modern European flavors, Beanos will also be able to compete with the internat ional chains (such as Starbucks) entering the market. According to Beanos Cafes previously mentioned market research, the main source of the information about the brand was Beanos itself, and then the information obtained from its customers. Research indicates that there is still a performance gap in advertising activities that the company should explore and take advantage of in the future. Its future marketing approaches should also concentrate on e-marketing via YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, MSN, Google, online radio, digital radio, e-mail marketing, mobile phone advertising, Yahoo online display banners, satellite TV channels, PRand sponsorship of cultural events and musical concerts. Questions for Oiscussion 1. Based on the segmentation variabies, how is Beanos Cafe now segmenting and targeting the coffee market? 2. Discuss how Beanos positioned itself in the Egyptian local market. Also explain how Beanos differentiated itself from the competition. 3. What changed first, the Beanos customer or the Beanos Cafe experience? Explain your response by discussing principles of market targeting. 4. Briefly outline a marketing campaign targeting a new segment for Beanos Cafe. Sources: Adapted fram Haddad, The Marketing Excellence Handbook, BUE British University Egypt, Dar El Fekr El Arabi Publications (2008); Kotler, P. , Armstrong, G. (2010), Ptlnciples of Marketing, 13th edition, Pearson/Prentice Hall; Grewal Levy (2010), Marketing, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill; William Pride, O. C. Ferrell (2010), Marketing, Cengage Learning; Adcock, D. , Halborg, A. , Ross, c. (2000), Marketing Princip/es and Practice, 4th edition, FT/Prentice Hall; Blythe, J. (2005) Essentia/s of Marketing, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall/FT; Brassington, F. Pettit, 5. (2005), Princip/es of Marketing, Prentice Hall/FT; Dibb, 5, Simkin. L. , Pride, W. and Ferrell, O. C. (2001), Marketing: Concepts and Strategies, 4th edition, Houghton Mifflin. FUTURE STRATEGIES As Beanos develops and looks to the future, it has identified areas where it needs to improve to continue and build upon its success: o Continued development in terms of the cafes atmosphere, pricing, produet, and staff. Increased investment in the branches and the equipment to enhance the atmosphere.
Learn to use OJT Narrative Report Essay Sample
Learn to use OJT Narrative Report Essay SampleThe OJT Narrative Report Essay Sample is a comprehensive sample essay in which you will be given the basic outline of a real life story. The student can create a historical event, an oral history from a first person perspective, a fictional premise or just a synopsis of a regular event. Your assignments can be anything that you like, although not all writing is necessarily real life. This is what makes the essay sample so unique and easy to use for the various types of students that it serves.The examples can be found from other texts or from history itself. It can be used as a reference and inspiration for your own paper, or it can be used by yourself to help you remember what to include in your own essays. Students will get the practice they need and the skills needed to build their own stories from the entire range of sources available. When you finish your essay, you can print it out and use it as a reference for your future essays. A ll you have to do then is to edit and amend it to suit your needs.The OJT Narrative Report Essay Sample can be used as the basis for many different kinds of projects. One student can start a story with it, and others can start one and then take it from there. After you finish your project, you can simply check to see if there are any additions you want to make. This can be an exciting way to learn more about yourself, to learn how to write, and to learn about history.Another thing you can do with the course is to make it your own. You can pick the characters, develop the plot, and alter the voice completely. You can change what you learned in the course and you can adapt it to fit your own personality. This is a great experience that allows you to discover and express yourself, which is exactly what this course has offered.Since this course is designed to work with this format, you can teach it to anyone. It was designed to make learning easier for everyone, and it does work for the m. Anytime you are interested in teaching it, just look for a teacher and show him or her how to use the type of paper the course uses. It's that simple.When you are using this type of essay, it's important to go over the guidelines carefully. One mistake that will lead to the assignment not being graded properly is skipping parts of the essay. Never skim, and always ask questions about the structure of the paper. If there is something you are unsure of, you should ask someone who is qualified for that answer.If you're a teacher looking for a way to give your students an easy way to write a paper, the OJT Narrative Report Essay Sample will help you. It can be used as the foundation for an entire class of essays. It can be used for a project as well. You can use it with any type of class, so long as it is an English class, you can find it.Take the time to learn about the type of paper it is that you want to create, and why you would like to do it in this format. You can even use it i n a class setting. You'll find that the format makes it easier to write and to read. If you have any questions, ask a teacher and look for the best resources to help you in your search. You'll have fun when you start writing.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
The Virtues of Wifely Sovereignty in Chaucers The Wife of Baths Tale and The Millers Tale essays
The Virtues of Wifely Sovereignty in Chaucers The Wife of Baths Tale and The Millers Tale essays Both a womans desire for sovereignty in marriage, as well as the moral and logical correctness of female supremacy in matrimony are two themes that pervade and define Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales. The following essay will explore within The Wife of Baths Tale and the Millers Tale the notion of female sovereignty in marriage and its moral implications. The Wife of Baths Tale in most respects exemplifies the quintessential Arthurian Romance-it features as its protagonist a knight, it revolves around a specific quest that knight must undergo, and it features a milieu that alternates between a court of nobles and an enigmatic forest. Via its central characters; the rapist knight, the Queen of England, and the mysterious old wife, The Wife of Baths Tale makes two fundamental assertions regarding a womans sovereignty in marriage: first, that all women desire it, and second, that it is a necessary condition for a harmonious nuptial union. Not soon after the tale commences and the protagonist knight stands before the British high court in judgment after having heinously ravished a virgin maiden, the reader (or listener, as the tales were meant to be transmitted orally) encounters a prime example of a woman possessing sovereignty in marriage over her mate. The King of England has judiciously granted sovereignty to his queen, thus it i s she who is eventually charged with deciding the condemned knights fate: So long they prayed the king of his grace Till he his life him granted in the place, And gave him to the queen, all at her will To choose whether she would him save or spill (Chaucer The Wife of Baths Tale). Ultimately, the wise queen sends the knight on a quest he must complete to her satisfaction if his life is to be spared-he must journey abroad and return in a years time with the ans...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW IN HEALTH CARE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAW IN HEALTH CARE - Essay Example Consequently, healthcare contracts ensure that parties are informed of their rights and obligations, and provide remedies for breach by one or more parties to an agreement. It also clarifies parties’ intentions and can be used for future references to resolve misunderstandings among parties to it (Pozgar, 2012). It defines an agreement by parties to establish, and be bound by their specified terms. Express contracts can be oral or written and written contracts override oral contracts (Simmers, Nartker and Kobelak, 2008). This is a contract in which one of the parties can relinquish his or her obligations because of lack of some of the essentials of a contract. The type of contract however, remains valid until it is revoked (Pozgar, 2012). Other types of a contract are defined in terms of nature of involved subject matter such as contracts for reality defining contracts that involve â€Å"real estate and interest in real estate,†contracts for goods involving â€Å"movable objects with exception of money and securities,†and contract for services involving human efforts (Pozgar, 2012, p. 87). Essential elements of a valid a contract in healthcare are agreement, which defines offer and acceptance, and consideration. An offer refers to a promise by a party or parties to undertake acts, of commission or omission, on provision that the other party or parties will undertake specified acts of either omission or commission. An offer is only valid when the ‘offeror’ intends to be bound by the terms. Acceptance however defines a party’s consent, subject to legal provisions, to be bound by the terms of offer. It must involve â€Å"mutual consent,†be â€Å"definite and complete,†be made before the offer is revoked or within a reasonable period, and must be â€Å"complete and confirming†(Pozgar, 2012, p. 87). Another element of healthcare contract, consideration,
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