Thursday, January 30, 2020
Web Conferencing Programs Research Memo Essay Example for Free
Web Conferencing Programs Research Memo Essay Selecting the Best Web Conferencing Option to Suit the Organization During last Friday’s daily update briefing, my team was informed to begin conducting research on some cost efficient choices to best suit our needs to effectively communicate to our counterparts located in remote locations. Rather than attempting to expunge the organizations financial resources by upgrading all our communication devices; our team decided the best option would be to source out this service and bring in a third party application via the internet to meet our teleconference requirements. Below is a list of several different software options with pros and cons to within each option. Software Requirements We met with the technical support team on Monday to verify the specifications of the systems from this location as well as all other locations which would utilize the web conferencing applications. Technical support ensured that all systems we running the latest update of Windows 8.1 and its hardware was compatible with all options listed below. Cisco WebEx Cisco’s WebEx option has three different packages to choose from depending on the amount of individuals are logging in the web conference, prices range from $19 a month for 8 seats to $69 a month for 100 seats with an annual subscription. Some of the features that come within these premium plans are: Video conferencing (full screen, up to 7 video feeds, or split-screen) Share applications or your whole screen VoIP or phone call-in Markup tools and whiteboard Record meetings (including video) Free mobile apps Share the presenter role Adobe Connect Adobe Connect does not offer multiple packages like other options but does offer the ability to connect up to 99 individuals at a fixed price of $55 a month. Adobe connect comes with desktop sharing, VOIP options, mobile phone access. Remote control, HD and SD video conferencing, document sharing, and virtual shareable whiteboard. Fuze Meeting Pro Fuze Meeting Pro is the newest option present but also comes with the highest price tag at $69 per month. Provides HD resolution, Skype © integration, highest rated graphic user interface, and mobile capability as well as mobile support. However, Fuze Meeting Pro was rated to use the most resources on system out of all of the option provided. These options were researched thoroughly by my team so we could provide the best option moving forward for our organization. If there is a need for a specific service that none of these options provide please inform myself or my team so that we can the process of looking for an application that we utilize within our working environment as well as our counterparts abroad. References Fuze Meeting Pro Videoconferencing at PC Magazine. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2014, from,2817,2388117,00.asp?tab=Specs Adobe Connect Features. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2014, from Cisco WebEx Meetings. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2014, from
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
The Impact of Teen Pregnancy on the American People Essay -- Explorato
The Impact of Teen Pregnancy on the American People Although the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States has been on an overall decline, it remains the highest in the entire world. Teenage pregnancy is obviously still a problem in today's American society with roughly 97 per 1000 women aged 15-19, which rounds up to be roughly one million teenagers, becoming pregnant each year. Interestingly enough, 78% of these pregnancies are unintended. The births of these children are not only a problem for the parents and the families of the babies, but it is a huge problem and burden upon American Taxpayers. Taxpayers pay roughly 16.5 billion dollars every year to welfare and Medicaid programs to aid these young parents who are almost always incapable of taking full financial responsibility for the child. In addition, because the average age of menarche has reached an all-time low of about 12-13 years of age, a larger percentage of teenage girls have a higher risk of getting pregnant more now than ever. The fact that four out of five teenagers are sexually active also contributes to the fact that teenage girls have a higher risk of getting pregnant. Teenage mothers are often living in single-mother houses, are minority, and are already considered poor. The consequences of teenage pregnancy can be costly and grave. The consequences of teenage pregnancy and childbearing are relatively serious. Teenage mothers are less likely to graduate from high school and are more likely to rely on welfare and live in poverty opposed to their friends and peers who delay childbearing. Not to mention having to give up their social life in order to take care of the baby. The children of these teenage mothers are often born at low ... ... Works Cited Bonjean, Leslie. M., and Dennis. C Rittenmeyer. Teenage Parenthood: The School's Response. Bloomington: PhiDelta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1987. Ventura, Stephanie. J., Sally.C. Curtin, T.J Mathews. Teenage births in the United States: National and State trends, 1990-1996. National Vital Statistics System. Hyattsville, Maryland: National Center for Health Statistics. 1998. Williams, Constance Williard. Black Teenage Mothers: Pregnancy and Child Rearing from Their Perspective. Lexington Books. Lexington, Massachusetts. 1991. Furstenburg, Frank F, Jr. Teen Mothers and the RevolvingWelfare Door. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press. 1997. Planned parenthood. Reducing Teenage Pregnancy. Retrieved April 2, 2002 from the World Wide Web.
Monday, January 13, 2020
East 1
The Article Review By: Efrain Gonzalez Jr. Law/421 March 10, 2013 Chuck Ward In this article review the author will present an article that specifically related to e-business and intellectual property. The information provided in this review will identify different types of and legal protections for intellectual property. The information describes, provide, and analyze the legal issues of e-business to include intellectual property, privacy, ethics, and security. The first piece of information that will be discussed is various types of legal protections for intellectual property.There are several different types of legal protection for intellectual property, and the primary legal mechanisms for protection of intellectual property are: the patent which only provides one right to disallow others from do things which are allowed in the patent. An example would be, any process being performed using genetic engineering in the United States required a license from Stanford University to US Patent 4,237,244 (the Cohen-Boyer patent) but this expired on December 11, 1997.The copyright would be the next protection that gives authors of published work the ability to be protected by the law of copyright infringement. The protection for copyright is 70 currently 70 years but it also much narrower than the patents because what is actually written down, and derivative works are written down. An example of copyright protection would be a published books, electronic publishing, software, and diagnostic questionnaires. Trademarks would be another protection because the trademarks protect words, names, symbols, sounds, or colors that separate, and analyzes goods and services.The difference with trademarks is that they can be renewed forever, and patents cannot, but as long as it represents and is used for business purposes only. Know-hows are basically the technical knowledge and experience to do certain things, but the difference with know-hows is that there not protected under the law, but it does hold a significance value if one doesn’t understand or isn’t able to practice an invention. Trade secrets are very important and protected because these are secrets among companies who compete with other organizations and the secrets give them an upper hand against the competitors.Trade secrets protect biological materials and software. Masks works is the last protected and it basically is a series of related images whether fixed or encoded. Masks works are similar in protection under the law to copyright. The legal issues of e-business are the rise of internet and global marketing because small business owners do not want to hear about intellectual property right because they feel that it is a waste of time and money, and those two are very important for small business owners.The privacy and security issues of the e- business can start at viruses getting through the computer which can hurt a small business because the customers may not feel comfor table and secure about shopping online due to viruses, spams and emails being sent out to customers and business associates, and the viruses can end up shutting down the organization system through the computer.Hackers can get into financial statements, and different business accounts and personal client information that can lead to major problems like identity theft and a firewall would have to be put in place to block unauthorized individuals access to business information. Loss of important data can also be a major issue for a small business due to privacy and security scandals. A back up protocol would have to be put in place so that the company can regain access to important information, and loss business files needed to effectively run the organization.Ethics also plays a major role in many different issues related to the e business because security and privacy are the number one ethical issues of the e business even though companies are aware of hackers and are protecting the information, the issue is maintain the online security at all times due to expense and new technology allow hackers to become more advanced at hacking through the internet.The privacy issue plays a big part with the e business because the digital storage and back up files leaves behind important information that can be used against the organization, the employees of the organization, the customers of it, and the potential investors that invest in the company. In conclusion this article review has when into detail and explained the different types of laws that fall under protection of the e business, and the legal protection provided within the laws. The review has described and provided examples of each, analyzed the legal issues of e-business to include intellectual property, privacy, ethics, and security.This review has provided every aspect of the law and legal protection under the e business along with the many different issue it faces on a daily basis. References Retrieve from : http://www. nytimes. com/2009/08/06/business/smallbusiness/06guide. html? _r=0 Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/DownloadList. aspx? assetMetaId=975fc4-9d85-4785-93f4-867c4ee6986d&assetDataId=ba00b38d-2bb3-465c-b189-549fe15eedf4 http://www. ebusinesscounsel. com/clients/e-commerce-a-internet-law
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Henry Ford Quotes of the Model T Inventor
Henry Ford (1863-1947) was an important American inventor who designed the Fort Model T automobile and a method of assembly line production that made the Model T the first affordable (and readily available) automobile for the American consumer. What Henry Ford said over the years reveal much about the integrity of the inventor, a man dedicated to bringing a fair product at a fair price to the American public. The quotes of Henry Ford also reveal the dedication Ford had to the invention process. Fords Quotes About the Automobile You can have it in any color you want, as long as it is black. I will build a car for the great multitude. If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. Fords Quotes About Business A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. To do more for the world than the world does for you – that is success. Business is never so healthy as when, like a chicken, it must do a certain amount of scratching around for what it gets. The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system. For if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. There is one rule for the industrialist and that is: Make the best quality of goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible. It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages. Quality means doing it right when no one is looking. Fords Quotes on Learning Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward. Fords Quotes on Motivation Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. Dont find fault, find a remedy. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again. This time more intelligently. Fords Quotes on Spirituality I believe God is managing affairs and that he doesnt need any advice from me. With God in charge, I believe everything will work out for the best in the end. So what is there to worry about? Fords Philosophical Quotes My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability. If you think you can do a thing or think you cant do a thing, youre right. I cannot discover that anyone knows enough to say what is and what is definitely not possible. If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.
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